Ben Affleck described what the ideal relationship with a woman sees


In 2018, Ben Affleck divorced Jennifer Garner, which was in relations since 2004. He repeatedly admitted that the divorce became "the greatest regret in his life" and that he did not want to part with Garner.

When the actor asked what he sees his woman, he replied:

I do not know, I want confidence. Care, mutual respect and all these ordinary things. It seems to me that these things strongly affect the level of happiness and satisfaction in relationships. But either they are, or not, you can't call it forcibly.

Ben Affleck described what the ideal relationship with a woman sees 92717_1

Affleck once again touched on the theme of its struggle with alcoholism. He said that he had his experience in the character of the film "Out of the game", where he played the coach of the basketball team, addicted to alcohol and pills. The actor noted that personal experience allowed him to fully understand the emotions of the hero.

Many of my friends dealt with dependencies and all sorts of disorders. At the same time, most of them are honest, responsible people living a good life. "Out of the game" I like my message that you can become better, you can overcome obstacles,

- noted Affleck.

Ben Affleck described what the ideal relationship with a woman sees 92717_2

Earlier, the actor told that alcoholism aggravated his relationship with the former spouse, and the prolonged divorce pushed to greater alcohol abuse. Ben several times was treated in a rehabilitation center, the last time he went to bed for 40 days in August 2018. After he wrote in his Instagram:

The fight against any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle. This is a full-time commitment. I'm struggling for myself and my family.

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