Beyonce takes care of children Gwyneth Paltrow, which is recovering after the lessons of the game on the guitar


"Parents near the school were shocked when Beyonce appeared on high heels, spuning in the fluff and dust, and took the children of Gwyneth Apple and Moses," the source told. Beyonce with her husband and family Gwyneth are friends for many years.

And Gwyneth Paltrow, who recently performed at the festival in Nashville, the other day he admitted that he cried from pain when he studied to play a guitar for his role Country singer: "It's terrible! My hands were in the blood and hurt. I cried several times. It is really damn difficult. It is much more complicated than it seems! " - admitted actress.

But at the Country Music Awards ceremony, where she sang the main song from the film "Love I will not betray me", its efforts and efforts estimated noisy ovations.

Gwyneth began to take the lessons of playing the guitar four months before the start of the filming. Her mentor was not her husband Chris Martin, but Mark James, who played with SIMPLY RED. He told the US Weekly magazine that despite the fact that she was married to a musician, she "didn't even know how to keep the guitar right." Now that Gwyneth master plays a guitar, she admits that she has no desire to create his group: "I'm not going to record albums or something like that. But I will play for children or holidays. "

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