The most influential representatives of global business show business EW


But by Verification EW, these are the most influential representatives of world show business:

Top 3:

1st place - Johnny Depp, film actor, film crew

2nd place - Lady Gaga (Lady Gaga), singer, composer

3rd place - Oprah Winfrey, Amer.Tell, teleproducer

The rest are presented in the following sequence:

4. Simon Cowell, Amer.Telegal, Teleprover

5. Will Smith, film actor, film producer

6. Robert Downey ML., FilmAkter

7. Sandra Bullock, film actress

8. Ellen Dezhenzeres, Amer.Telegally, teleproducer

9. Leonardo Di Caprio, film actor, film producer

10. Eminem (Eminem), musician, rapper, music.

11. Ben Stiller, film actor, comedian, cinema and teleproducer

12. Angelina Jolie, film actress

13. Ryan Sikrest, Amer.Telegally, teleproducer

14. Brad Pitt, film actor, film producer

15. Charlie Sheen, Cinema and TV Actor, Comedian, Teleprover

16. (William), one of the soloists and music. Mostlyer Black Eyed Peas

17. Adam Sandler, film actor, comedian, film crew

18. Kanye West (Kani West), Muz.Rodverter, Rapper

19. Beyonce (Beyonce), singer

20. Meryl Streep, actress of cinema and theater

21. Seth MacFarlene, Producer and Creator of Anim. Serials "Griffins" and "American Dad"

22. John Stewart, Amer.Telegally, teleproducer (not a relative of Kristen Stewart, approx. Ed.)

23. Tom Cruise, Film Actor, FilmRod

24. Taylor Swift, singer

25. David Letterman, Amer.Telegally, teleproducer

26. Jay-Z (Jay-Z), Muz.Rodverter, Rapper

27. Tina Fei, Cinema and TV Actress, Writer, Cinema and Teleprover

28. Danzel Washington, film actor, film producer

29. Daniel Craig, theater and movie actor, film crew

30. Hugh Laurie, TV Actor, Teleprover

31. Will Forell, Cinema and TV Actor, Comedian, Cinema and Tele-Producer

32. Jay Leno, Amer.Telever, teleproducer

33. Steve Karell, Cinema and TV Actor, Comedian, Cinema and Tele-Producer

34. Julia Roberts, film actress

35. Tyler Perry, Cinema and TV-actor, Cinema and Teleprover

36. Matt Damon, film actor, screenwriter, film producer

37. Justin Timberlake, Muz.Deurusor, composer, singer, dancer, film actor

38. Schaya Labafe, film actor

39. Tom Hanks, film actor, film director, screenwriter, film producer

40. Reese Witherspoon, film actress

41. George Clooney, film actor, film director, film generator

42. Catherine Hayeigl, Cinema and TV-actress

43. Hugh Jackman, theater and movie actor, film generator

44. Kira Sedzhvik, Cinema and TV Actress, Cinema and Teleprover

45. Robert Pattinson, film actor

46. ​​Jake Jillenhol, film actor

47. Justin Bieber, Singer, Musician

48. Christian Bale, theater and movie actor, producer

49. Ryan Reynolds, film actor

50. Ketie Perry, singer, Showvumen

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