Robert Rodriguez showed a crossover "Alites: Movie Angel" with the baby iodine


A fantastic fighter "Alita: Battle Angel" was published almost two years ago, but this film was able to acquire a cohesive fan base, which at times undertaking different shares demanding the release of Sicvel. While the second part was never launched into production, but something fans still achieved: October 30 "Alita" will be released in the US in re-rental. Interestingly, on the same day the premiere of the second season "Mandalortz" will take place, in the creation of which the director "Alita" Robert Rodriguez takes part.

Robert Rodriguez showed a crossover

This coincidence was not left unattended by Rodriguez, so on his page on Twitter, he published a picture on which the meeting of Alites and the baby of iodine is captured.

Alita + baby iodine - October 30,

- Posted director.

The author of this fan art is the artist under Nick Pauuluntitled. In the foreground is a baby of iodine, and a little behind him stands Alita, which looks younger here than in the original film. In this regard, fans are wondering how two characters could establish communication.

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