John Favro does not exclude that the film will be released according to Mandalor States


The lead author of the TV series "Mandalorets" John Favro gave an interview with the Variety, in which he told whether this show can receive full-length spin-off in the future. Showranner made it clear that as "Mandalorets" will be more closely intertwined with the general mythology of "Star Wars" and replenish familiar characters, the option with the release of a separate film will be increasingly attractive:

I love the world of "Star Wars," because I am well acquainted with this Podzhanr, but at the same time there is a huge space for maneuver in terms of further development of the narration. Inside this subgenar, many other genres can be opened. The introduction of new characters and the consolidation of a certain rhythm from the point of view of the production process opens up new opportunities before us. We understand what directions can be followed.

John Favro does not exclude that the film will be released according to Mandalor States 93290_1

To this, Favro added that in the development of Mandalortz, he helps him a lot of experience, which he received during the filming of the first two parts of the "Iron Man". The Favro approach is to invent various options for the development of certain scene arches so that they organically wove themselves into a common kinotylene.

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