Yuen McGregor told when shooting a series about Obi-Vana Kenobi


Speaking at Shame Norton Show, the actor Yuen McGregor said that the production of spin-off "Star Wars", dedicated to Obi-Vani Kenobi, will begin in March 2021. of the year. The production of the series was postponed at the beginning of this year due to the need to rewrite the script. Showranner of the new project will be Deborah Chow ("Mandalorets", "Jessica Jones", "Better Call Salus").

During the speech, McGregor told how she was preparing for the role of Kenobi. It turned out that he scream inspiration from the previous artist's role Aleka Guinness:

The most interesting thing in the work on the covers was that I thought, but as if Guinness played this role in his youth. This led me to viewing a large number of his early works, which I have not seen before. Brilliant films in which he starred. I spent the time perfectly, studying his acting handwriting. This time I am much closer to him by age. I love Aleka Guinness. I never managed to meet him, but I love his work and is a great honor for me to try to pretend to them.

At the moment, the series has no finally approved name and output date.

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