Insider told who should be the main villain in the film "Miracle-Woman 3"


Shortly after the premiere of "Wonder Women: 1984" Warner Bros. Announced that he launches the production of tricvel, to work on which Gadote Gal (Diana Prince) and Patty Jenkins will be returned. And although it is still too early to disclose the official details of the plot, rumors about who will become the main villain of the picture, have already gone.

In the first two films, a wonderful woman had to resist Ares, Dr. Yad, Cheetah and Maxwell Lord, and, according to Insider, Satton T-shirts, the next antagonist will not be other than a circce. The character's prototype is a magician from ancient Greek myths, and such a choice seems logical, because it was this villain that was one of the most powerful enemies of Diana in comics and until now there is no place in the film dc. In addition, the appearance in the plot of the circces would marrow the return of the franchise to the canonical route after Sikvel turned everything in another direction.

Like most enemies of the wonderful women, the circce has changed many times after their debut in 1949. The most famous version of the character is easy to learn in red eyes and purple hair. At some point, she turned into a mortal lawyer to get close to Diana, but ultimately forgot his true personality.

Sutton claims that the "Miracle Woman 3" will be much more serious than recently released Seicvel, who was criticized for a somewhat comic character. However, no criticism will affect the tone of the narration, but the conditions and time frames in which the plot will flow. As Jenkins hints at one of the interviews, the next film, apparently, will again postpone the heroine today. Moreover, Sutton heard that "basically everything will happen on Temiskin," the paradise island-house Diana, who literally shown in the "Wonder Woman: 1984".

The premiere of "Wonder Women 3" should take place in 2022.

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