Poster "Wonder Women: 1984" for Imax release


Despite the partial transfer of the release of the superhero militant "Miracle Woman: 1984" on the HBO Max Stregnation Service, the fans of Diana Prince still have the opportunity to see the ribbon on the big screen. Some cinemas have already started pre-sales tickets for Kinokomix, and in honor of this film company Warner Bros. released a new movie poster.


A poster is published on the official IMAX website, also available for booking Tickets. On the poster, a wonderful woman is shown in an updated gold suit with wings, which is a reference to the golden eagle armor from the Kingdome Coma mini-series.

The film "Miracle-Woman: 1984" was to go out in cinemas on June 5 of this year, but because of the coronavirus pandemic and the closing of the cinemas was postponed first on August 14, and then on October 2, but this case did not end. As a result, Warner Bros. A decided on the simultaneous start of the cinema and digital rental of December 25th. For those viewers who will not be able to visit the cinema halls, the picture will be available on the HBO Max platform. On the territory of Russia, the blockbuster release was postponed until January 14, 2021.

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