Gal Gadote can play a wonderful woman in Flash Solnik


The Illuminerdi website reports that Studio Warner Bros. He is negotiating with Gadot Gal about the fulfillment of the latter to the acting of the film "Flash". Gadote should appear in the previously played role of Diana Prince / Wonder Women. Sources that served this news claim that it will be the role of a second plan, but important for the development of the plot.

It has previously stated that the Flash film will be built around the story arch titled "FlashPoint" of the original DC comic. A wonderful woman plays a significant role in these comics. In addition, it appeared in the animation film of 2013 "The League of Justice: the Paradox of the Source of the Conflict", which is also based on these comics, where he headed the Amazon war against the Atlantov Aquamena / Arthur Curry.

Taking into account the fact that in Flasha worth expecting the appearance of two batmers at once in the execution of Ben Afflek and Michael Kiton, as part of the study of the multi-dealer DC, the appearance of a wonderful woman looks natural. But at the same time, the ILLUMINERDI site has no evidence of the truthfulness of this version, so it should be taken to it only as a hearing.

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