Yuen McGregor announced the beginning of the shooting of the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi and the number of seasons


At the moment, the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi is hardly the most anticipated project in the framework of "Star Wars", but its production is not so smooth, as I would like. First, the creators were unhappy with the existing scenario and decided to rewrite it, and then the coronavirus pandemic came out, so I did not have to talk about the start of the filming. Recently, the artist of the title role Yuen McGregor reported some important news in connection with the upcoming show. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, the actor said:

We will start shooting in the spring of next year. I look forward to this moment. I think we all work out as it is impossible. As far as I understand, it will be a series consisting of one season. We'll see. How to know what can happen?

Yuen McGregor announced the beginning of the shooting of the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi and the number of seasons 93346_1

Obviously, McGregor is optimistic, so fans can only trust these words and be patient. As for the format of the future show, then there was also information that it will be a mini-series that does not imply additional seasons. At the same time, unconfirmed rumors are going that in this series, Hayden Kristensen can return to the role of Anakin Skywalker. In addition, the appearance of Darth Vader, because one of the storylines will allegedly be devoted to the desire of Lord Sith to take revenge on his former teacher for what happened on the planet Mustafar.

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