Shooting the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi can start in September


After the year ago, there was information that the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi, reliable information about the project was less than rumors. It was reported that the series will be canceled at all, the number of series, of which he will be changed. Artist of Yuen McGregor's leading time ago reported that the shooting of the series would not begin earlier than 2021.

Shooting the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi can start in September 93359_1

The MAKING STAR WARS portal received other information from insiders. In September of this year, work will begin in Southern California, on the set, located outdoors. Earlier, this site was used for the filming of Mandalorto. However, the portal warns that the start of the work does not mean the start of the filming. Perhaps we are talking only about the construction of scenery, and the shooting process will be launched later. Although their source insists that it comes to the start of filming.

Shooting the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi can start in September 93359_2

The series will be filmed according to John Weekee, "King Arthur King"), the director of all episodes will be Deborah Chow. The series of the series will occur eight years after the events of the film "Revenge of Sith." The series will be shown on the screening service disney +. The release date of the series is still unknown.

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