Luke Skywalker could be like a samurai hipster in "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"


The development of films from the Star Wars series is an extraordinarily extensive and rich process that includes many aspects: from the design of each unique planet and droid parts before the hairstyle will be at Luke Skywalker thirty years after his last appearance before the public. In this regard, it is interesting that in the newest trilogy of Mark Hamille really had a chance to get a different hairstyle, to acquire a beam assembled on the head of the hair. This item was disclosed in the next portion of the concept art, which on its page in Instagram laid out the artist Christian Olzmann:

The first picture I did for "Star Wars: Awakening Force". It was in January 2013. The hatch was characterized as Colonel Kurtz, who hides from the world in his cave.

Публикация от Christian Alzmann (@calzmann)

It is worth noting that Colonel Kurtz, mentioned by Olzmann, is an antagonist of the famous film Francis Ford Coppola "Apocalypse Today" (1979). In the film of this character played Marlon Brando. This alternative appearance of Skywalker / Mark Hamilla reminds the old samurai, which is organically combined with the fact that George Lucas when creating "Star Wars" scream inspiration from historical Japanese cinema. However, as a result, it was decided to get rid of the beam, so the hatch was appeared with long loafwood and not such a long beard.

Several earlier, Olzmann laid out another post with an alternative appearance of the Skywalker aged hatch:

The concept of Luke, who could be either a dream or a nightmare for "Star Wars: Awakening of Power.

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