Khan Solo can get a series-continuation on disney +


Filmed in 2018 film "Khan Solo: Star Wars. History "liked the fans of the universe, but could not boast of good cash collectors, and therefore disney was expected to refuse to release a full-length sequel. But now there is a rumor in the network that the desired continuation of the adventures of the young Khan Solo performed by Olden Ehrenrayka will still see it - it can pour out in a new series on Disney +.

Khan Solo can get a series-continuation on disney + 93368_1

Of course, there are no official confirmations of this yet, but with what success is "Mandalorets", as well as other rumors about expanding the "Star Wars" universe within Disney +, the series-continuation of Khan Solo may well become a reality. The specles got rooted and Ereenhrike himself, who previously stated that in the cinemas in the role of a young khan solo will not be able to see it, since the full-length era of the franchise has already ended.

I heard something, though nothing concrete,

- put the fog actor. By the way, even though he said that the role of a cult character demanded a lot of time, he is still ready to return to it.

"Khan Solo: Star Wars. History "ended in such a way that the audience had a lot of questions, and therefore continuing the story really needed. Moreover, Disney has already hinted that the film can pour into several spin-offs at once, devoted to individual heroes, including the series about Lando Calryissian (Donald Glover). So rumors about Solnik Khan Solo may well be true.

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