The designer of "Star Wars" confirmed the fan of the Snooker's theory


In the film "Star Wars: Awakening of Power", the audience met with a terrible Supreme Leader Snow. This is a mysterious character, about which there was little that was known, so the fans began to nominate guesses about the origin of the villain. In the episode "Skywalker. The sunrise "was revealed that the Snook is actually a clone, but even before the release of the" last Jedi "there was one theory about the unusual appearance of the snowy, and now the designer and sculptor Avan Mandzell confirmed her truthfulness.

The designer of

In a fresh interview with Force Material, Mandzell reported that the appearance of the snowman really dates back to the famous actor Peter Cushush, who specialized in roles in horror films, and played Grand Moff Tarkina in "Star Wars: New Hope." Mandzell said:

Jay Jay [Abrams] mentioned a doll from the series "House of Hummer's Horror". So I took the appearance of Peter Cushing's appearance ... When I made a layout, the characteristic features in the cheekbones and profile were noticeable.

The designer of

At the same time, Mandzell stressed that the Snooch should not directly refer to Cushuska, because it is more tribute to the famous Hammer Films Studio. The similarity between Snow and Kushing is really traced, especially for high cheekbones, what Mandzell said. As you can see, the attentive fans of "Star Wars" immediately caught these visual parallels.

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