Emilia Clark may appear in the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi


Film "Khan Solo: Star Wars. History "became one of the most expensive in the history of cinema and at the same time the least financially successful of all films of the franchise" Star Wars ". What put the cross on plans for further release of films in the format of stories. After the success of the struggle for the director's version of the "League of Justice", the fans are confident that they will be able to convince the filmmakers and will receive the continuation of the adventures of Han Solo.

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WE GOT This Covered portal reports that the dreams of fans are close to exercise, let them somewhat and not as they wanted. There will be no separate film, but the scene lines of previous paintings will continue in TV series for Disney +. With reference to the source that had previously reported the confirmed news about the participation of Asoki Tano in the second season "Mandalortz", the portal writes that in the latest version of the scenario of the series about Obi-Vana Kenobi, one of the main characters "Khan Solo" appears. We are talking about Ki'ra in the execution of Emilia Clark. However, the portal stipulates that the script can still change.

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Ki'ra - a child's friend Khan Solo and his first love. At the time of the film - a member of the criminal syndicate, which helped the solo to realize his plans. For Disney + will be reasonable to include in the created projects of popular characters full-length films. You can expect the appearance of other iconic characters in the universe in television series.

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