The fans of "Star Wars" proved that the resurrection of Palpatine was planned in advance


Concept art for the film "Star Wars: Skywalker. The sunrise indicates that the Palpatine's uprising from the dead was planned by the creators even before the episode "Star Wars: the last Jedi." It was the return of Palpatine and his secret relationship with the Rei, became the main storyline of the final part of the "Skayokrachi saucers". Many fans are extremely not like such a development of events with its illogical and spontaneity.

Initially, Lucasfilm President Katlin Kennedy argued that Palpatine's return was always part of the plan on the trilogy of the sequels. Later, however, the first director of Skywalker. The sunrise "Colin Trevorroo, who left the project in 2017, denied this information. The Internet also leaked the Trevorrow scenario called "Duel of Fate", in which there is no Palpatine. Trevorrow argues that the idea of ​​resurrecting the emperor Sitkhov belongs to Jay Abrams.

Meanwhile, Lucasfilm continues to bend its line. Recently, the concept of artist Kevin Jenkins, on Twitter, was published, which depicts Palpatine returned from non-essential. Commenting on this publication, Lucasfilm's creative art director Phil Shostak noted that this sketch was made on November 1, 2017, although the first such sketches appeared even before - in October 2017. Apparently, Abrams decided to return Palpatin in parallel with the development of the "last Jedi", although it is obvious that at some stage, this idea refused to favor other solutions.

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