Mark Hamill spoke about the carved stage with Darth Vader and Lei in the "New Hope"


Mark Hamill is still experiencing that for greater dynamicity from the "Star Wars" a large scene was carved at the beginning of a film, which gave a lot to explain the motivation of Skywalker's hatch. In it, Skywalker watched, imperials attack on Tatooin on the ship with Leay.

She had a couple of things that are important for the image of the character. First: peers laugh over hatch. He is not the coolest and popular. And then Luke meets with Biggs Darklüter, who played Garrick Haygon. Darklight is dressed in imperial shape, and I say: "Oh! Great. I can not wait for the moment when I leave this landfill and join you. " And he confesses me confidentially: "Luke, at the first opportunity I am going to desert and join the rebels."

This is an interesting scene, which shows that at the beginning of the film, Luca has no political beliefs. He believes that in the empire to live great. He is ready to put on an imperial form if it allows him to leave the farm. So it is completely clean in terms of political beliefs,

- told the actor.

Mark Hamill spoke about the carved stage with Darth Vader and Lei in the

Hamil also told how this scene influenced further events in the film. The destruction of the star of death was originally connected with the remote stage:

In the last attack on the star of the rebels destroy the right and left. To solve, turn off the guidance system and rely solely on the strength of the hatch leads death in the battle of Biggs Darklatera. This later, they decided to add the voice of Obi-Vana, who says: "Luke, use strength."

The scene that Hamill says is now available for viewing on the Disney + service.

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