Mark Hamill told, under what pseudonym played in the "expense-one" and "Kane Solo"


The universe of "Star Wars" is actively expanding not only by one, but also on this side of the screen. Not so long ago, Disney and Lucasfilm released a documentary mini-series, entirely dedicated to the shooting of the first season "Mandaloort". From these exclusive materials, because of the Kulis, it became known that Mark Hamill, known for the role of Luke Skywalker, performed the secret chameo in Mandalorez, giving his voice to Druid Bangtender. Moreover, the actor admitted that he is somehow present in all films from the world of "Star Wars", except for the trilogy of the prequel. On his page on Twitter Hamill wrote:

The essence is not at all to be in the credits (from above - "ogoty-one", from below - "Khan Solo) or get an additional fee. It was just done for fun and fans because I love Easter! I confused my pseudonym a little, called "Patrick Williams." In fact, I figured in the credits under the name "William M. Patrick" (in honor of my senior and younger brothers). But I will not say what "M." means. Try to guess yourself.

Mark Hamill told, under what pseudonym played in the

Mark Hamill told, under what pseudonym played in the

As you can see, Hamill did not specify whoever it was voiced in the full-length spin-offs of "Star Wars". However, it is reliably known that in the "Recent Jedi", in addition to Luke, he also performed a guest casino Kanto-byte, which throws coins to BB-8, and in Skywalker. Sunrise "voiced the rebel by name Bulio. Obviously, Hamilla has some additional role and in the episode "Awakening of Power".

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