Mark Hamill approved police trolling imperial march from "Star Wars"


English actor John Boyaga, known for the role in "Star Wars", this week made a speech at a rally against racism in London. Another star of "Star Wars" Mark Hamill commented on this speech on Twitter:

Never proud of you more, John.

Публикация от John Boyega (@johnboyega)

Also, the other day Hamill posted a video in which the protester "trolls" police with the help of an imperial march from "Star Wars". A young man pulls a pipe from under the floors and begins to play the melody passing by the detachment of the police.

Previously, Hamill commented on the election campaign of the Trump picture with an exploding star of death with the text:

As soon as you choose the dark side of power, it will always dominate your destiny. Who is more stupid - a fool or one who follows him?

Ridicule over officials as one of the elements of the overthrow of state power mentioned in its work "198 non-violent action methods" american philosopher Jin Sharp. This book is considered to be a textbook of "color revolutions". It is known that Sharpe advised representatives of the Baltic republics before the collapse of the USSR.

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