The director "Tyler Reika: Operation on Salvation" worked on an action in 2 season "Mandaloque"


Caskader, coordinator of tricks, and more recently, also independent director Sam Hargreyv said that he took part in the filming of the second season of the TV series "Mandalorets". In narrow professional circles, Hargrave has been known for a long time - on his account formulation of action-scenes in several films of the film marvel, including "Avengers: Final". However, the universal glory of Hargrave brought the fighter "Tyler Reik: Operation on Salvation", when creating which he debuted as a director.

In an exclusive interview with Collider, Hargreyv shared that when working on an action in Mandalorto, he was primarily focused on the identity of the title hero:

In this case, it is always necessary to withstand the balance to give your character authenticity and individuality. For example, take our hero. He is primarily the shooter, not a master of martial arts, so it would be unusual to rush into the frame, make a double flip and apply some kind of breathtaking foot. We must not forget about the essence of your character. Of course, during the filming, a suit and helmet can be put on any master cascadera, which is ready to perform any trick, but at the same time you need to keep my own focus and remain faithful to my hero and history.

It is expected that the second season "Mandalortz" will be released on Disney + in October of the current year. Robert Rodriguez ("Alita: Battle Angel", "Faculty of Sunset", "Faculty"), Peyton Reed ("Always say yes", "Agroup") and John Favro, who is also a series Showranner . In addition, Disney and Lucasfilm have already begun to develop the third season "Mandalorta".

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