Hearing: A black miracle woman will appear in the film DC


Diana Prince performed by Gadot Gal appears already in three filmmixes from the expanded Universe DC, but the mythology of the wonderful women is so rich that this material would have enough for many films. You can be sure that in the upcoming picture "Miracle Woman: 1984" the essence of the title heroine will be disclosed from the new parties. Perhaps, in the future, the creators will go even further by introducing Diana Prince to their film-skinned sister by Nubia, which in comics is the second wonder-woman - such information is divided by We Got This Covered.

Hearing: A black miracle woman will appear in the film DC 93440_1

According to the source, the desire of Warner Bros. And DC Films make nubia the heroine of their subsequent films is not questionable, but it is not clear when it can happen. Perhaps it will happen in the "Wonder Woman 3", but also walks the rumor that Nubia can get a solo television series on HBO Max TV.

Nubia is a twin sister Diana, which was also molded from clay to Tsaritsa Ippolita. But if Diana rose under the care of his mother on the island of Temiskin, along with Amazons, Nubia was kidnapped by the God of War Mars, and her childhood was held among men on a floating island. Later, sisters reunited and became the allies, although initially they were enemies. Nubia was created in 1973, becoming the first black heroine DC. Nubia has never appeared in the movie Nubia.

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