Girl Power: Bree Larson shared fan art with captain Marvel and Wonder Woman


Recently, Brie Larson became more active than the social network - the actress shares the fans with the most different things, starting with the photo on which it is throwing axes, and ending with new commercials. And last month, the actress presented to subscribers something truly special, publishing several joint personnel with Gadot Gal.

But on this brie did not stop, and on the eve of the fans saw a magnificent fan art in her profile on Twitter, on which Superheroini, the first to receive solo films in Marvel and DC, are depicted together. The actress does not have placed the drawing itself, but made a repost from the author's profile, simply adding an emoji with hearts. But fans, of course, it was enough for a dignity.

The "Miracle Woman" and "Captain Marvel" became a real breakthrough in the superhero film, so it is not surprising that both characters are often mentioned together in comic discussions and appear in various fan arts. BRI, at each convenient opportunity, talks about a wonderful woman in his interview, and creating a film about the lady of Amazons of Patty Jenkins and Gadot warmly congratulated Larson with the success of the "Captain Marvel" after last year's premiere.

The fans are constantly trying to find some ties between the film populated and DC and parallels, so the friendship of Brie and Gal is clearly like. And already if you wade into the crossover crossover crossing worlds, then we will be in his center a miracle woman and captain Marvel, he will definitely get a sea of ​​enthusiastic reviews.

True, such a picture remains only in the dreams of viewers, and the planned meetings with your favorite heroes in question. "Wonderful Woman: 1984" should have started in the cinemas on June 4, but due to the situation with Coronavirus, the Date Prime Minister is shifted now, and such a fate can comprehend the film of the Gadote.

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