"And then began to madness": Gal Gadot told about the "Wonder Woman: 1984"


Gal Gadot gave an interview with Empire magazine, which told about his heroine. According to her, the second film Diana became more wise and looks at the world differently:

The first film was a history of mature. In him, Diana only became a wonderful woman and did not yet understand how difficult life is. In this film, everything will be different. Diana matured, ceased to be naive, became more wise. At the same time, she is very alone, she lost the team and burned out from the world. And then began madness.

Under the madness, Gadot implies a storyline with the resurrection of Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), the beloved Diana Prince / Wonder Women, who sacrificed himself in the first film final.:

Chris was an important part of the plot of the film and his success. And I liked to work with him together, and Patty Jenkins liked how we work. Therefore, we all thought how to return it. Patty and Writer Jeff Jones came up with the best way to return Steve.

In the "Wonder Woman: 1984" one of the main actors will be a billionaire and collector Maxwell Lord performed by Pedro Pascal. He hires archaeologist Barbaru Ann Minerva (Kristen Wig) so that she is looking for artifacts for his collection. One of the found artifacts turns Barbara to Cheapada. She considers the customer guilty in his transformation and wants to take revenge on him. It seems to protect against the explosive cheetahs, Maxwell Lord promises Diana to resurrect Steve Trevor with one of its artifacts in exchange for protection.

The premiere of the picture "Wonder-Woman: 1984" was postponed from June 5, 2020 on August 14.

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