Photo: How in real life Women who voiced the cult disney princesses look like

Snow White - Adrian Kaselotti

For the voice of Snow White 19-year-old Adriana received only $ 20 per day and total earned $ 970, and was also forced to sign a contract with Disney, who forbidden to work anywhere else - Walt Disney wanted the Snow White voice to sound anywhere else. The faithful Snow White Adrian remained until the death in 1997.

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Cinderella - Aylin Woods

Isline, like Adrian, after Cinderella did not go to a big movie - in 1963 she married a musician, and in 1988 she was submitted to the court to the court, claiming that in 1948, when it paid $ 2,500 for writing Cinderella Replica, this The record did not provide for the right to distribute on video tags (which did not even invent at that time). In his trial, the elderly Cinderella demanded 20 million dollars from Disney, and the studio managed to agree with her - although no one discloses the accurate amount of payments.

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Sleeping Beauty - Mary Costa

Princess Aurora 22-year-old Mary Costa voiced in 1952, and then as an opera singers successfully acted worldwide, a total of over 40 parties in operations. In 1991, she also filed for Disney to court due to the release of "Sleeping Beauty" on video tags, and in this case the studio also decided the question, without bringing the case to the courtroom.

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Mermaid - Jodie Benson

This actress voiced at once two popular Disney characters - first, Ariel, and secondly - Barbie in the Franchise "Toy History" (you can again hear her in this role in 2019 in the fourth film series). Times are no longer the same to ban Jody to work "two fronts" who has long been who has long been who Walt Disney cannot, so the voice Benson can be heard in a variety of cartoons.

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Bell - Page O'Hara

In the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" of 1991, the voice of Page can be heard behind the scene in all scenes with Bell, as well as in some other cartoons with this Disney princess. And then Disney from the services of the aged Page refused, replacing it with younger actresses of the voice acting - so with Hollywood O'Hara, he has long been said for a long time, although his star remembers his role and appreciates so far.

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Jasmine - Linda Larkin and Lia Salong

He speaks for Jasmine in the cartoons about Aladdin Actress Linda Larkin (in the photo on the left), but sings - Lia Salonga, she also performs songs for another religious Disney Princess, Mulan.

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Merida - Kelly McDonald

Princess Merida actress has been sufficiently successful - she has three nominations for the Golden Globe and roles in such sensory projects, as the "underground empire" and "old men there is no place." The fans of the "Harry Potter" will remember her as Elena Cogtevran from the final part of the "gifts of death".

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Tiana - Anica Noni Rose

Another sufficiently successful outside the cartoons of the Disney actress, Rose appeared, for example, in such series, as a "good wife" and "elementary".

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Rapunzel - Mandy Moore

Mandy Moore does not need a submission - and no one should surprise anyone that the actress and singer personally not only voiced the Disney Princess, but also sang all her songs.

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Pokalontas - Irene Bedhar and Judy Kun

Irene not only gave his voice Pokalontas - this Disney Princess and painted with Bedhar. And sings for Ponya Star Broadway Judy Kun (in the photo on the left).

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Mulan - Lia Salong and Ming on Ven

About Lyi, who sings for Mulan, we have already mentioned, but also Ming on the veins in the presentation does not need - Mulan's voice is now the star of the Marvel "agents of the shield" and managed to play in many other series and films.

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