Charlize Theron, Tom Hardy, Adele and other stars, secretly become parents

Zoe Saldan and Marco Peno

Zoe Siddan and Marco Peno - proud parents of three boys, but the last baby appeared as if from nowhere. On February 18, 2017, the star of the Guardians of the Galaxy announced good news in his Instagram: "I and my husband Marco happy to inform you about the birth of our son Zen. We are incredibly glad to add in our family. #threeboys ... oh god! "

Marco and I are elated to share the news of the the birth of our son Zen. We couldn’t feel more blessed with the new addition to our family. #threeboys... oh boy!"

Публикация от Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana)

The news was a surprise, because Saldan did not appear at all in the public, being in a position. It remains unclear whether Zen appeared through surrogate motherhood, adoption or just a hidden pregnancy.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock adopted both of his children without public ads. She spent some time to get used to parent before sharing news with the world. Her first child, Louis, was adopted in 2010. In December 2015, Bullock told that he had drawn a three-year-old girl named Laila - and announced this from the cover of People.

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Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Jeffrey Dina Morgan, familiar to us along the role of the father of the Winchester brothers from the "supernatural" and the frightening leader of the surviving Nigan from the "Walking of the Dead", for many years already in relations with Hilary Burton, the former star of the "Hill of one tree". Hilary and Morgan imperceptibly became the parents of the firstborn, the son of Ogastus, in 2010, and then, in 2014, got married. Morgan also has a son from Sherry Rose actress.

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Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds

In early January 2015, the publication of Page Six confirmed that in December 2014 Blake Lively and her husband Ryan Reynolds for the first time became parents. A few months passed before the new parents revealed the name of the child - the girl called James. The spouses were as secretful in relation to the birth of their second daughter, Ines, until the whole family made the first joint publication to celebrate the Reynolds star on the Hollywood Walk of Glory.

Video report from that ceremony:

Adel and Simon Konkay

After Adel Casually mentioned that she and her boyfriend are waiting for a child, Media began to closely follow the family. Later an anonymous source merged with information that in October 2012, the Courty was born the son of Angelo.

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Leighton Mr. and Adam Brody

The former "Gossip" Leighton Mister and the Star of "Lonely Hearts" Adam Brody got married during the Super Secret Ceremony in February 2014. In May 2015, Insiders E! News reported that Leighton is waiting for a child. Their daughter of Arlo Day was born in September 2015, although if it were not for a child's birth certificate, she probably would still be a myth. These two are able to keep secrets.

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Lucy Lew

On the air CBS, Lucy Lew announced that it turns out, not so long ago used the services of a surrogate mother and already brings up a son, Rokuell Lloyd. "When I told the world that I had a child through a surrogate mother, my friends told me:" Do not listen to what people say, "Lucy told," and I didn't know that people say something bad! "

This is how the photo of the children's room of Rockwell, who Lucy shared with Hello's edition! a year ago:

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Tyra Banks and Eric Asla

In January 2016, the Supermodel Thara Banks shared the unexpected news in his Instagram: she first became a mother. The 42-year-old Guru of Beauty and TV presenter said that she and her boyfriend, Swedish photographer Eric Asla used the services of a surrogate mother, and thus appeared to the light of their baby York Banks Asla.

A year ago, the son of supermodel looked like this:

To all the amazing daddies out there that love their kids unconditionally like my mommy's daddy and my daddy, too...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! -York?

Публикация от Tyra Banks (@tyrabanks)

"Welcome to the world, Amanda Lee Gosling!", "We would say if I knew about her birth, not to mention the conception. In May 2016, TMZ, as if thunder among the clear sky, published a certificate of the birth of a child of two "Ninja" - Ryan and Eve. Baby, it turns out, was born on April 29, 2016, but they did not hurry to share this joyful news with the public.

The privacy of its two daughters Ryan and Eva is guarded so urgent that we still have to be content with the blurred photos of the paparazzi:

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Keri Russell and Matthew Reese

The stars of the series "Americans" Keri Russell and Matthew Reese for the first time became parents in May 2016. The public was required for almost a month to learn about the son of the Sala of the Star Pair, which Sam called Sam. By the way, Sam is Matthew's first child, but the third - Russell; The actress also raises the daughter Will and the son of Rivera from previous relations.

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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

The fans found that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt expect twins, the efforts of Jack Blake - the Kung Fu Panda Cartoon Cartoon Colleague on the confluence of this during an interview. Couple clearly intended to keep it secret as long as possible, but Black, obviously, did not know about secrete. Twins Vivien and Knox were the fifth and sixth children of the pair.

This PEOPLE cover most of us remembers until now:

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Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck

Jennifer so tried to keep his pregnancy secretly in secret, which did not even say about her colleagues. During the filming of the "inventions of lies", no one had no idea that she was waiting for the second child from Ben Affleck. Despite the fact that Garner and Affleck divorced, the family remains active and cohesive. The couple continues to keep their three children out of sight of the public.

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Drew Barrymore and Will Copelman

The star of the fresh series "Diet from Santa Clait" Drew Barrymore in 2012, Daughter Oliva in 2012, and in 2014, giving birth to the second daughter Frankie, was already open to the world: "Last time I did not comment on my pregnancy, and people just pursued Me, "the actress admitted. Unfortunately, Drew and Will broke up in 2016.

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Alexis Blaje and Vincent Carter

In May 2016, it turned out that the actress of Gilmore girls Alexis Bledel and the stars of "madmen" of Vincent Cartarizer almost a year ago (!) Son was born. In the same way, quiet steam conducted a wedding ceremony in 2014. The news has ceased to be a secret after Scott Patterson, who starred from Bledl in the revival of the series - "Gilmor girls: Seasons", accidentally mentioned it during an interview for Glamour. Speaking about Alexis, he said: "It was great to see her. She really blossomed as a woman, and now she is proud new mother, married and happy. "

Alexis and Vincent so zealously guard the boy's peace that the paparazzi was still not filming them with her son!

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tasha McCola

In the summer of 2015, the "beginning" star and "500 days of summer" Joseph and his wife were born a child. The actor frankly stated that she was not going to spread about the child to the whole world. Since then, at least it turned out that a boy was born, but even his name still remains a mystery. The second son of the Star Couple was born a year ago - in June 2017, and this time the actor representative confirmed the fact of adding the family itself, other details of lowering.

Protected - do not guard, and paparazzi will still take: Joseph and his first son in May 2017

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Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley

Everyone was amazed when Charlotte Riley in September 2015 appeared at the premiere of "Legends" with an impressive stomach size. Two months later, the pair was born a baby. The child became second for Tom; The former girl Rachel AIDS gave birth to him.

Normal photos of the second son Hardy in the network still no (and those that Tom published in Instagram, the efforts of his publicists have long been removed), so you have a video of an actor who reads rap with your firstborn in your hands (more precisely, on the neck):

Laura Linny and Mike Shauer

Actress Laura Linny pulled the child to fifty years old. In January 2014, Linny gave birth to the son of Bennett Arisoned Shawer, but fans needed much more time to understand it. Bennet is the only child of Linny and her husband Mark Shauer.

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Beyonce and Jay Zi

Blue Ivi Carter, a Star Pair's daughter, excited the world even before his appearance when her mother appeared on MTV Video Music Awards in the fifth month of pregnancy.

Couple raises three children. Olive's eldest daughter was born before the wedding in 2007, the youngest Elul - in the summer of 2010, 5 months after the marriage of the parents. In March 2015, the son of Montgomery was born, due to the pregnancy, which presumably, the actress had to interrupt participation in the "illusion of deception" (and maybe because she almost drowned in aquarium during filming ...).

Ayla with children in April 2018:

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Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

In 2010, Kidman resorted to the services of a surrogate mother who gave birth to a paze daughter - however, they learned not immediately, because Nicole and Kit preferred about replenishment in the family to be silent. Two years earlier, in 2008, Nicole Sami gave birth to Sandey's daughter from China Urban. The actress also has two adoptive children from the former husband of Tom Cruise.

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Charlize Theron

The "explosive blonde" and a single mother held a secret adoption of two children within a few months. Jackson's boy was adopted in 2012, and a girl August three years later.

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Ellen Pompeo and Chris Ivory

The star "Anatomy of Passion" and her husband Chris Iphori introduced the world with her daughter (born with the help of a surrogate mother) Maison Pompeo Ivory in 2014. The couple has a daughter Stella (born in 2009) and the son of Eli (born in 2016).

Ellen with three children in February of this year:

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Anna Pakuin and Stephen Moyer

The actors of the "real blood" in 2013 became parents of the twins, but the news about children were not shared a few months after a joyful event. Twins call Poppy and Charlie.

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Carey Malligan and Marcus Mamford

The daughter of the star couple, which was called Evelyn Grace, was born a few weeks before the parents made an announcement of the press. Couple, as you know, does not extend too much about your relationship.

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