From Bruce Willis in "12 friends of Owen" to Tarantino in "Dzhango": 10 of the most awkward and stupid star kameo

Madonna - "Melci, but not now"

The appearance of Madonna in Bondian accounted for the most unsuccessful film of this very bondan; "Umci, but not now" - the film is so bad that a flat and inexpressive game (if it can be called a game at all) Madonna only an addition to a set of minuses, from ridiculous villains to invisible cars and a vague heroine Holly Berry. It would be better if Madonna limited himself to wrote a song for Bondian.

M. Knight Syamalan - Signs

The director of the "sixth sense" and "Split" is known in the fact that with perseverance worthy of better use, removed in Kameo in his own films - although it is impossible to call these very kameo, because the director Syamalan is good, but the actor is nic. The worst of all Kameo Syamalana had to "signs", his 2002 film - compared to the director even Mel Gibson, whatever the shockpieces think about him, looks like a genius of acting skills.

You might think that this is some random Hindu, but it is Syamalan:

Kanye West - Sex Guru

"Sex Guru" is a completely appropriate name of the film for Kameo of such an outstanding comrade as Kanye West. The problem is that Kanya, comparing himself with Picasso and Jesus, apparently, wants to be perceived as a serious artist, but thanks to such a sight, like Kameo in "Sex Guru" with Mike Myers perceive rapper more and more as a banal clown.

Michael Jackson - "People in Black 2"

Many people know that Michael Jackson could initially play in the first "people in black", but refused the role - which regretted, looking at the film. From the original "people in black" the pop king came to such an enthusiasm, which was asked to Kameo in Sikvel - and it would be better if the status of the viewer and the fan would be limited.

Anthony Kidis - on the crest of the wave

For those who do not know, Anthony Kidis is a participant in the Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock Group. From RHCP The most recognizable for non-fans of the group is probably Flea, he is Michael Balzari, in addition to the musical career managed to play in the "Big Lebovsky", "back to the future" and other good films. Kidis may have envied the impressive filmography of his "classmate" - and for some reason went to Kameo in "on the crest of the wave." Kidis does not know how to play perfectly, and watch him fans of Red Hot Chili Peppers, probably even awkwardly.

Keanu Rivz shows Anthony Kidis, who is the actor here, and who is not very:

Mike Tyson - Bachelor Party in Vegas

For what reason Mike Tyson agreed to Kameo in the comedy "Bachelor party in Vegas", will forever be secret, but thanks to the interviews of the boxer himself, it turned out why he looks like such a wooden - Tyson somehow after the release of the film admitted that he was shot in his tiny Roles, being under cocaine, which explains a lot.

Quentin Tarantino - Dzhango liberated

Like M. Knight Syamalan, Quentin Tarantino loves to appear in tiny roles in his own films - and, like Syamalan, sometimes it looks like so bad that I wanted to sincerely wish him to continue to be limited to the director's post. Probably the worst Kameo of Tarantino - in his "Dzhango", where the director I somehow decided to practice in the Australian accent; The only plus is to observe how Jamie Fox Hero Tarantino finally shot, pleasantly pleasant.

Kameo in the Russian voice acting:

Kameo in the original to appreciate the pseudoavraial accent Tarantino:

Bruce Willis - 12 friends Ocean

"12 friends of Oushen" - a sad example of how Sicvel is desperately trying, but can not exceed the original or at least compare with it; The weakest part of the trilogy is replete with Nature humor and stupid stamps. The scene in which the heroine of Julia Roberts pretends to be real Julia Roberts, had to become even funnier at the expense of the appearance of this Bruce Willis, but, unfortunately, the screenwriters forgot to register a "strong nut" a couple of good jokes, so throughout the episode it just costs it clearly Does not know what to do, and stare on Roberts, and when Bruce finally "recognizes" "fake" Julia, all - from the audience to Willis himself - sighs with relief. It was necessary to call Richard Gira.

Cheryl Cole - what to wait for when you expect a child

Many singers and singers try themselves at the Nibi acting profession, but not everyone is successful; Another example is Sheril Cole, which appeared in Kameo in the comedy "What to wait for when you expect a child" as a judge of a fictional show Celebrity Dance Factor. Kameo has proven only one thing - that the actress from Cheryl will never come out; It is especially interesting that it looks in the light of the fact that one of the main roles in the film is played by another singer - Jennifer Lopez, and let the actress, too, is so-so, against the background of Cheryl Ja Lo, it shines acting talent.

Ben Affleck - Jay and Silent Bob are applied

Five points Kevin Smith for the idea of ​​"film in the film" (fictional sequel "Umnitsa Will Hunting 2: the season of hunting" we would have looked at least now) and two points for Kameo Ben Affleck. We understand that Kevin and Ben, who starred in many of his films, was actually not friends for a long time and did not even come, but at least from the politeness of Afflecks could make his face easier and not to show so clearly, how much he got the cameo, and Film, and in general, all life.

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