Photo: Top 10 places from the "Game of Thrones" existing in fact


The legendary Castle Winterfelle from the "Game of Thrones" is actually a Ward Castle in Iceland, built in the 18th century. Today, the fans of the series can take a tour of the castle for a rather modest fee.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

In Iceland National Park, you can see another familiar to the fans of the "Games of the Thrones" place - the Vatnayajudle glacier, where the scenes were filmed with John Snow and wildly in two seasons.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

In Northern Ireland, on the coast of the county, Antrim, there is a bay called Ballinte, in the "Game of Thrones", which is the Island of Pike - there, on one of the iron islands, on the plot of the series there is a native house of the theone of Greyjoy.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

In the same Ireland, the scenes were captured, the action in which was unfolded in the storm lands - possessions of the house of baratonov. So, the scenes with the camp Renley Baratheon were filmed on the chalk career Larribayne near Carrik-A Rida.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

But another favorite place of the film "Games of Thrones" is a city of Dubrovnik in Croatia. It was he who became a "prototype" for the royal harbor from the series.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

In Northern Ireland, there is another attraction, which will appreciate the fans of the series - an ancient beech alley Dark Hedges, the trees on which were planted in the 18th century. In the "Game of Thrones", it was on this road "Arya Stark flew by the flight from the Royal Harbor.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

In the same Northern Ireland, near the town called Antrim, there is a channel that - the fans of the series will certainly recognize him immediately, because it was on him that the swimming of Tirion Lanner and Jorach Mormont was filmed to the ruins of ancient Valing.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Alcazar is located in the Spanish Seville - an ancient fort, built by Arabs, and later turned into a Palace of Spanish royal family. On the territory of Alcasar, scenes with Mircelly and Tristan in Dorna water gardens were shot.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

The palace himself also served the decorations for the "Game of the Thrones" - he was practically not changed, just brought furniture to the premises of the Palace (about how much money the power of Spain received from the creators of the "Games of the Thrones" for the fact that they were allowed to shoot a series right in ancient palace, history silent).

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

And finally, we return to Croatia, where the ancient Fortress of Clean is located - some of its buildings, as archaeologists suggest, two thousand years ago were built. In the "Game of Thrones", the remains of the ancient fortress turned into the city of Mierin, where Daeneris flew.

Photo: Top 10 places from the

Photo: Top 10 places from the

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