7 stars who tried to get a role in the "Game of Thrones" and failed

Maherhal Ali - Xaro Ksan Daxos

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Since on the air season 2 "Games of the Thrones" came out, there were so many episodic characters in the series that all episodic characters, long ago, and the most dedicated fan did not mention. Among such episodic characters in the 2 season was Prince Xaro Ksan Daxos. This role was performed by the Actor Nonso Anzyos, who had previously managed to work with the star "Game of Thrones" by Iean Glen in the film "Last Legion". It is much more interesting to the fact that Mahershal Ali was initially tasted for this role, a lot later received "Oscar" for the role in the film "Moonlight" - and even more interesting is the fact that this role failed the future Oscar-free actor did not manage!

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Macherchal This listening is still remembered - and in one of the interviews confessed that it was almost the worst listening in his career.

Sam Hughew - Larats Tirell

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Before getting a major role in the popular series "Strank" (Outlander), Sam tried to the role of Laratas Tirella in the "Game of Thrones". To increase your chances to break through into the series, the actor, in fact, was immediately two auditions - in addition to Laratas, he claimed the role of Renley Barateon. According to Sam, he successfully passed several stages of casting (he read his replicas, at least seven times!), But apparently, ultimately, something went wrong after all. As a result, the role of Larata got Finn Jones, who later won fame also as a leadership of the main role in the series on the comics MARVEL "Iron Kulak".

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Danny Dyer - PIP

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Casting in the "Game of Thrones" was a process extremely long and painstaking - even if the role itself was very small. Take, for example, the character named PIP (Pip) - it would seem, far from the most significant hero, but even for him the producers of "Games of the Thrones" went over not one dozen actors. In the end, they stopped at the candidacy of Joseph Alina, and initially the actor was claimed by the actor who was more famous - Danny Dyer, whom many probably remember the film "Football Factory" or "Fans". Danny on the air of Talk Show Jonathan Ross told that he was trying three times - for different roles in the series, including the role of Pipa.

Sam Clandline - John Snow

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

When the "Game of the Thrones" only recruited the actors, Sam Clafin has not yet become a star "Hungry Games" and did not have any special advantages in the form of a loud name on Casting - however, we will not argue that it was for this reason that he gave way to John Snow Whale Harington.

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Interestingly, without passing the casting to the role of John Snow, Sam did not lower his arms and again tried to make his way into the "game of the throne" - also for the role of Veris Targaryen, and again unsuccessful.

Trisha Helfer - Sersa Lannister

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

It is stupid to deny that, as in the case of Deeeneris Targaryen, the role of Serneus Lannister was one of the most enviable - and therefore many sufficiently well-known actresses were tried on it. Among them was the star of the series "Star Cruiser Galaxy" Trisha Helfer (now it can be seen in the series "Lucifer"). Helfer is an enthusiastic fan of the work of George R. Martin, so it dreamed of going to the series on his books. For some reason she failed.

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Jamie Campbell Bauer - Waymar Rois

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

In fact, Jamie Campbell Bauer, whom many remember the "Twilight" - the case is special: the actor did not fail his listening to the role in the "Game of Thrones", but ultimately still lost her - due to employment. Initially, Bauer, we had to see as Wamar Royce, one of the very first heroes appearing in the series (and, to unhappiness, and perishing the very first). However, when the "pilot" episode "Games of the Thrones" with the already filmed there, among other Bower, was sent on shifting, Jamie was busy and could not accept participation in these emails. As a result, Bauer had to replace with another actor.

Ivan Reon - the role of John Snow

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Like Jamie Campbell Bauer, Ivan Reon is, of course, the case is special. Thanks to the reon, the fans of the "Games of the Thrones" received a wonderful villain in the face of Ramsi Bolton - at the same time extremely memorable, and extremely convincing, and at times quite really frightening. But at some point everything could go wrong, and the villain from Ramsi could turn out to be completely different - because initially Ivan Reon claimed John Snow.

7 stars who tried to get a role in the

Although in the end, the producers of the "Games of the Thrones" still chose China Harington, they were so impressed with the talents of Reon, which immediately called him when it was time to choose the actor for the role of Rams Bolton. "I think they made the right choice if I played John Snow, he would be completely different," Ivan Reon himself confessed later in an interview.

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