10 celebrities treated in rehabilitation clinics


Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson has one wonderful feature: everything, whether it is a new role or your own problem, he speaks equally openly. So, about its drug addiction, Marvel star expressed frankly and categorically, admitting that most of the time he was insane in the time due to drugs. Despite this, Jackson managed to somehow exist and work in Hollywood, because, as the actor himself admits, he had a "good reputation", he "came on time, taught replicas, did what they demanded."

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However, in the end, Jackson was still forced to ask for help from specialists - and, as the actor himself notes again, only after the victory over drug addiction to him and the real glory came.

Ben Affleck

Still a couple of years ago, Bena Afflek could be called an almost exemplary star Hollywood: he regularly appeared on a big screen in new roles and at the same time he received a laudatory reviews and even filmmakes for his directories, brought up children in marriage with Jennifer Garner and did not get into any What scandals. Few people knew that the struggle with alcoholism was hidden behind the whole prosperous facade, from which Ben has been suffering many years.

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Not too cool looking Ben during a press tour "League of justice"

Back in 2001, he was treated in the Promises Malibu rehabilitation center, and in March 2017, after parting with his wife and a series of career failures, published a frank post on Facebook, which spoke of his dependence on alcohol. Affleck was treated from alcoholism in the past, continues to be treated now and admits that, perhaps he will need to re-undergo a course of treatment in the future - and he decided to tell him about everything he decided that his children knew that "there is nothing shameful to seek help When you need her. "

Daniel Radcliffe

The history of the relationship between Daniel Radcliffe and alcohol is both sad, and absolutely typical: the star "Harry Potter", unfortunately, is far from the first young actor who suddenly appeared than the glory "hit the head." The abuse of alcohol for the young Daniel very quickly turned into a grand problem - he depended on the alcohol so much that sometimes even on the Harry Potter and Prince-Half-Blood set appeared drunk (and, as Radcliffe himself told, it can be noticed in the film itself) .

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Fortunately, in contrast to many of his colleagues, who did not stand the tests of glory, Daniel took himself in time, appealed to the rehabilitation center, tied up with alcohol and does not eat alcohol now 7 years old - from August 2010.

Demmy Moor

Five years ago, Demi Moore turned out to be at first in the hospital, and then in the rehabilitation clinic Cirque Lodge due to dependence on drugs - however, its representatives explained the forced appeal to the doctors "stresses" in the life of the actress, and in the rehabilitation clinic she, they say, lay down to "cure exhaustion and improve health." In fact, Demi developed dependence on the drug, which, by rumors, led to the appeal to the rehab, and to the decay of the marriage actresses with Ashton Kutcher.

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John Hamm.

Like Ben Affleck, John Hamm, the star "madness" and "baby on the drive", fought with alcoholism - and two years ago he independently appealed to the rehabilitation clinic. Later, having passed a course of treatment from alcoholism and at the same time, swaying with Jennifer Westfeldt, together with which John lived 18 years old, the actor in an interview claimed that this is an indescribable feeling - "pull yourself out of meat grinders and reconfigure the entire system again."

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Zac Efron

As mentioned above, Daniel Radcliffe, Zak Efron, whose head fell very early, did not escape his close acquaintance with the rehabilitation clinic - that's just, unlike the star "Harry Potter", Zack fought with even more serious (and expensive) addiction Cocaine, at the same time, somehow managed to work on the set of the comedy "Neighbors" in 2013. Fortunately for Efron, the appeal to the reheast allowed him to defeat the addiction - and since then, Zack has stably "issues" a couple of new films per year.

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Demi Lovato

For his 25 years, Demi Lovato overcame so much tests as other people does not overcome and in life: the singer struggled with alcoholism, drug addiction, bipolar disorder and disorder of food behavior. Even before noting the age of age, it has already used alcohol, cocaine and some other affiliates available only on the recipe. The crazy cocktail led to the fact that in 2010 during a tour with Jonas Brothers Demi hit one of the support dancers. After that, she finally decided to take himself in hand and went to the rehabilitation clinic for three months, where she diagnosed bulimia and bipolar disorder. With all the tests, Demi successfully coped and is now trying to be a symbol of body-positive and healthy lifestyle.

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Gary Oldman

Very many actors generation Gary Oldman did not refuse themselves in alcohol, nor in drugs, but Oldman became one of the few who were not only a treatment in a rehabilitation clinic, but also openly told about it.

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For help in the fight against alcoholism, the actor appealed back in 1995, and then repeatedly admitted that he was an alcoholic, regularly visits the assembly of anonymous alcoholics (Alcoholics Anonymous) and for many years he is not in touch with alcohol.

Gerard Butler

Preparing for shooting in a blockbuster "300 Spartans", Gerard Butler hung himself to workouts to acquire an ideal body - and paid for it a very high price, addicted to painful drugs. In 2012, the actor was forced to ask for help at the Betty Ford Center rehabilitation center in California. Fortunately, they helped him quickly, and since then, the Butler has no problems with the substances that cause addictory.

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Eva Mendes.

Recently, Eva Mendez extremely rarely appears in the public, turning into the perfect "home core keeper" for Ryan of the Gosling and their children. But a few years ago, Eva led a much more active and secular lifestyle, as a result of which in 2008 it was forced to contact the Cirque Lodge Rehab Center's rehabilitation clinic with addiction from drugs - in this center at one time treatment was held such stars like Lindsay Lohan , Demi Moore and Mary-Kate Olsen.

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