Feel yourself old: 10 years "Twilight", 20 years "Armageddon" and "Blade", 30 years old "strong nuts" and other "cinema anniversaries" 2018


Films that in 2018 marks 10 years

2008 was, without any exaggeration and irony, the most excellent year for the fans of Hollywood cinema - it was in 2008 almost two dozen films that we remember, review and discuss and to this day, 10 years later. Of course, such "anniversaries", as the "Iron Man", with Robert Downey Junior, which marked the start of the filmmoven Marvel; "Dark Knight", which went down in history, thanks to the brilliant execution of the role of Joker's hit as a heater; And the very first "twilight", which marked the beginning not only the "multi-venery" vampire saga, but also fashion for the "long-playing" youth franchises.

Feel yourself old: 10 years
Feel yourself old: 10 years

This is what the list of the most famous films looks like, which this year will celebrate a round date - a decade:

iron Man

Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Crystal Skull

Kung Fu Panda

The incredible Hulk


Helleb 2.

The Dark Knight

Pineapple express: I sit, smoke

Soldiers failure

Millionaire from slum


Mysterious History of Benjamin Button

Films that in 2018 marks 15 years

2003 was also not bad year - a, perhaps, in something more icons than the year 2008. In 2003, exactly fifteen years, such cult series, as the "Lord of the Rings" and "Matrix", and also - Real love came out and "kill Bill".

Feel yourself old: 10 years

Feel yourself old: 10 years
Feel yourself old: 10 years

This is what the list of the most famous films looks like, which in 2018 will celebrate the 15th anniversary:


Xu People 2.

Matrix: Revolution

Finding Nemo

28 days later

Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Pearl Curse

Kill Bill

Real love

Bad Santa

The Last Samurai

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Films that in 2018 marks 20 years

Feel yourself old: 10 years

And remember when Ben looked like this? ...

Feel yourself old: 10 years

We go into the past, farther, fall into the despondency, everything is deeper: 20 years ago, such films came out, which today is already to be admitted to be honest, simply do not remove. The round date is the 20th anniversary - in 2018 there are such religious and simply known tapes:

Big Lebovsky

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Show Truman



Save ordinary Ryan.


Peak hour

American history X.

Shakespeare in love

Thin red line

Letter for you

Films that in 2018 marks 25 years

A quarter of a century - exactly so much has passed since the film "What is Gilbert Grape?" Brought Leo Dicaprio the first in the career nomination for Oscar, Bill Murray achieved the love of Andy McDowell in the "Surk Day", and Spielberg issued an unforgettable "Schindler list", earned 7 Oscars.

Feel yourself old: 10 years
Feel yourself old: 10 years

This is what the list of films looks like, which will be 25 years old in 2018:

Front day

My neighbor Totoro

Jurassic Park

Delighted in Seattle.

Free Willy.

Focus Pok

True love

Under the kayf and confusion

Mrs. Dutfire

Schindler's list


What is Gilbert Grape?

1994; Future aunt Mei from "Man-Spider Man", then still completely young Marisa Tomey announces nominees to Oscar in the category "Best Actor of the Second Plan" (frame with baby Dicaprio is attached). Then Leo in the very first, but not the last time "rolled" with Oscar - the award went to Tommy Lee Jones for the "fugitive".

Films that in 2018 marks 30 years

Feel yourself old: 10 years

Thirty years passed - and "strong nut" Bruce Willis is almost all the same strong, "Fish named Wanda" Jamie Lee Curtis is all the same charming, well, Winon Ryder since the time of Bittlejus seems to have changed at all. This is what the list of "Jubilees" looks like:


Trip to America (with Eddie Murphy)

Who substituted Rabbit Roger


Fish named Wanda

The last temptation of Christ

Outwashing fraudsters

Rain Man

Historical moment: 1989, practically not changed for the 30 years. Cher hands "Oscar" a statuette "The best movie" category. That year, "Rain Man" with Dustine Hoffman and Tom Cruise was nominated for 8 Oscars and received 4.

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