Meryl Streep and other actors with the largest number of nominations for Oscar in history


Meril Strip - 21 nomination and 3 victories

Opens our list The best of the best - Meryl Streep, which from the beginning of the eighties nominates to Oscar almost every year. However, the ratio of nominations and victories from Meryl, by the way, is extremely low - the next "Oscar" actress receives on average for every 7 nominations. Three cherished figurines provided it with the roles in the films "Kramer vs. Kramer", "Choice Sophie" and "Iron Lady".

Jack Nicholson - 12 nominations and 3 victories

By the number of statuette "Oscar" Jack Nicholson on a par with Meryl Strip, but the nominations from the actor almost twice the least - so he wins, it can be said more often. Three Oscars, Nicholsonus provided films "flying over the cuckoo nest", "Language Language" and "better does not happen." The XXI century to Jack Nicholson is ungluntly - the only nomination in it received at 15 years ago, in 2003, for the film "On Schmidte".

Exactly 20 years ago, in 1998, Oscar Jack Nicholsonus presented a nominee for Oscar - Francis McDormand

Denzel Washington - 8 nominations and 2 victories

The first "Oscar" Denzel received almost 30 years ago - in 1989 for the "valor". The second actor was waiting for 12 years - and received in 2001 for "training day".

Al Pacino - 8 nominations and 1 victory

Surprisingly, but a cult "face with the scar" the statuette "Oscar" is less than that of Washington denzel: the only Oscar went to Al Pacino in the distant 1993 for the role in the film "The smell of a woman". This, at the same time, was the last nomination of the actor - since then, already at exactly a quarter of century Al Pachino on Oscar comes only as a viewer.

Al Pacino quarter century ago

Dustin Hoffman - 7 nominations and 2 victories

In the XXI century, Dustin Hoffman, like Al Pacino, from the Favorites "Oscar" migrated to the "Deep Stock", but in the eighties received two figurines for the paintings of the cult - "Kramer vs. Kramer" and "Rain Man".

Young Michael Douglas in glasses hands "Oscar" for "man of rain" Dustina Hoffman in 1989

Kate Blanchett - 7 nominations and 2 victories

The first "Oscar" Kate received in 2005 for the Aviator with Leonardo DiCaprio, which once again lost the struggle for his desired "Oscar". The second statuette of Blanchett appeared after 9 years - for his role in Jasmine.

Jane Fonda - 7 nominations and 2 victories

Another charming representative of Hollywood boasts the same as Kate Blanchett, indicators. The legendary Jane Foundation has his two Oscars received in the seventies - for the roles in the films "Klyte" and "Return home".

Oscar -1979

Robert de Niro - 7 nominations and 2 victories

Two statuettes "Oscar" Robert de Niro provided roles in films without exaggeration of cults: "The godfather 2" and "mad bull".

Robert de Niro receives Oscar for "Fucking Bull" at a 37-year-old ceremony

Jeff Bridges - 7 nominations and 1 victory

Jeff Bridges received his first and only Oscar in 2010 - for the role in the drama "crazy heart."

Judy Dench - 7 nominations and 1 victory

According to the number of nominations and victories, a wonderful Judi Dench is held with Bridges, the first and so far the only "Oscar" of which is already on the 20th anniversary in the year: his deck received in 1999 for the "Shakespeare Love" (the role of the second plan).

Robert Dulval - 7 nominations and 1 victory

The real veteran of Hollywood, Robert Dulval in January 2018 celebrated the 87th anniversary, but periodically continues to be filmed into the cinema - so perhaps the actor will still have the second Oscar. Robert received the first statuette for his role in the film "Gentle Mercy" in the eighties.

Kate Winslet - 7 nominations and 1 victory

At one time, Titanic won a record number of awards, but there were no figurines for Kate Winslet among them. Kate received his "Oscar" only after 13 years after the first in the quarry of the nomination - for the main female role in the "Readers" drama in 2009.

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