"Fifty shades of freedom": 10 the main differences of the film from the book

Wedding Christian and Anasta

If the wedding ceremony is described in all the details in the "fifty shades of freedom", then in the film she is given quite a bit of time: Christian and Ana exchange swords, we show the wedding dance - and the heroes immediately go to the honeymoon, even with anyone Thank you.

Sex in the plane

The change, of course, is completely insignificant, but there is a place: in the book Anasteche and Christian, they hold the first wedding night in the plane (with all the resulting), in the film are limited to the fact that it is limited to the bottle of champagne (completely dressed).

Marriage contract

In the book "Fifty shades of freedom" the topic of the marriage contract paid great attention (and it is quite logical - after all, Christian is rich just before indecent). In the film, the question of money at all went around the party, and the only time when the war of Gray is at all somehow mentioned - this is the moment when he tells the anastheist that everything that belongs to him now belongs to both. That's so simple - and you have any marriage contracts.


Of course, in the "paper" version of the history of E. L. James, there were much more opportunities to make a romantic wedding trip Christian and Anastaishi in Europe. In the film, this is again paid to the minimum of attention, and the spectators show the spectators literally a series of replacing each other's frames - these are our heroes on the beach, here they are on the yacht, so they admire the sea and so on. And then the next nuisance is happening, and they strive to fly back home.

Kristian's song

One of the most ridiculous and funny moments in the film "Fifty shades of freedom" - when Christian without any reason suddenly begins to sing Maybe I'm Amazed (Song McCartney) during a trip to Aspen with the anasthest and all the others. In the book, Christian sings during a family dinner (first after returning from a honeymoon), and the choice of a song is much more suitable - the romantic Ballad of Wheraver You Will Go.

Taylor and Mrs. Jones

Those who are the original series of E. L. James did not read, are unlikely to guess on the films "Fifty shades" that Taylor and Mrs. Jones are a couple. In addition, all the mentions of the Taylor's daughter disappeared from the film, while in the original book, the anastheish is slightly experiencing about the fact that Teilor's daughter will live with them.

Arrest Jack

In the book "Fifty shades of freedom", the moment with Jack was much less dramatic - the ana returns home and discovers in the unconscious state of Jack, who broke into her apartment. In the film, this situation was made much more intense - the ana returns home and discovers Jack in full consciousness, and even threatening her with a knife.

Hearing in court

There is a scene "fifty shades of freedom" a scene where Anasteche is watching the hearing in Jack's case in court - he is liberated on the security of half a million dollars, and when Jack is removed from the courtroom, they are with an asset for some moment there are a look after What Anu is sick in the restroom and she decides to visit the doctor where he learns that she is pregnant. In the original book, the anastheist simply say that Jack has released on bail, and there is no scene in court at all.

Lack of leu

Leila is only mentioned in the film, but in the original book - it is stated to work for an anaste, he has time to apologize to her, then Christian and Leila breaks into the room, gets a chance to thank him and wish him happiness. It is because of this case, in the book, Christian dismisses Prescotta, one of the guards of the anastheishi.


Only those who read the original series of books know that the "fifty shades of freedom" Ray fell into an accident due to the fault of a drunk driver. In the book, the anastheis holds a lot of time in the hospital with his father - and even his birthday celebrates his ward. In the film you can see that during the wedding journey, the anastheysh is wearing a bracelet - in the book this bracelet on the birthday presented to her Christian (and the second gift became white Audi R8).

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