This is not a mustard superman to smear: 10 actors who are rejected into cinema with computer effects

Michael Douglas in "Man-Muraury"

Disney spent a lot of money for the development of "rejuvenation" technologies - probably more than all other major film studios. Especially these investments are evident in Marvel projects, which are not mentioned in our list. Before you remove the most famous moment with the young Tony Starka for the "First Avenger: the opposition", the "rejuvenating" technology was tested on Michael Douglas in the Man-Agriev. Flashback sends us to the hero of Michael Douglas from the distant 1989, and if not much plans (on which computer effects still become noticeable, especially when Douglas talks), it would be easy to believe that someone managed to get a time car .

Robert Downey Jr. in the "First Avenue: confrontation"

Well, in fact, the very scene with the young Tony Starka in the "confrontation", for which, as the creators themselves told themselves, they had to take away a lot of video materials with young Robert Downey Jr. from his early films - and based on them to create some "mask ", Which then" put on "to the actor. In other words, what we see in this scene is the acting game "Today's" Robert in a kind of "mask" Robert twenty years ago. The scene, by the way, was filmed on the last day of the work of the actors over the "confrontation", because for her Downey Junior had to shave the recognizable mustache and the beard of Tony Stark.

Carrie Fisher in "Knife-One: Star Wars. Stories"

An example is not the most successful "rejuvenation" - spin-off "Star Wars", in which to attract even more attention of fans, just a few seconds included Carrie Fisher. The young princess ley became an excellent gift for fans of the saga, although under the closer look and looks slightly unnatural.

Johnny Depp in the Pirates of the Caribbean: the Dead does not tell fairy tales "

In a five-minute flashback scene, we finally manage to see how Jack Sparrow became the hero, which we know in the previous films of the franchise. Like other examples of "rejuvenating" of actors in Disney projects, the effect of the amazing effect - and the impression spoil only large plans, which, however, are quite a bit (in Disney clearly know what to do that the audience believes most of themselves in what they see). All this, of course, the case of taste, but, on our personal opinion, with all its battlement, the current captain Jack Sparrow still looks charming.

Orlando Bloom in "Hobbit: Waste Smalthan"

The elves are not aging, and Orlando Bloom is a purely human flaw, unfortunately, is quite susceptible - therefore, when ten years after the "Lord of the Rings" Warner Bros. I started shooting the trilogy "Hobbit", the appearance of Legolas had a slightly "work". Of course, a radical rejuvenation with a legolars did not happen - the appearance of Orlando in the post-production only "a little bit" was processed using computer effects. Unfortunately, even this "a little bit" enough, so that in some scenes the face of Legolas look unnaturally - as if she would slightly glow. You may, in the case of Orlando, Bloom is not to be wiser and it was necessary to limit the make-up instead of tricky computer effects - but, as we all know, thanks to the Usam Superman, Warner Bros. It is not exchanged for little things if you can adjust something with CGI - so only pouring millions of dollars.

Anthony Hopkins in the Wild West World

Yes, technically, Anthony Hopkins on our list should not have been, since the World of West West is not a film, but the TV series, but the creators of Westworld for "rejuvenation" of Hopkins deserved not just a place in our list, but also a medal / monument / premium , so frighteningly realistic this young version of the legendary actor looks like. Flashback scenes, in which you can see young Hopkins, quite a bit, but it is for the better.

The creators of the "model" of young Hopkins showed how it actually happened this is the most "rejuvenation" in the "Wild West World" - a very instructive sight:

Patrick Stewart and Ian McCellen in "People X: Last Battle"

One of the earliest attempts of digital rejuvenation fell on the middle of the two thousandths - in the "last battle" (2006) in the Flashbek scene show Magneto and Xavier twenty years ago. The "rejuvenating" effect is minimal, but still noticeable - and Patrick Stuart, and Ian McCellen look at their age, and CGI was used mainly to make their appearance "fresher". If, in the case of Patrick Stewart, it worked, then in the case of McKellen, the effect turned out not so lucky - the actor's face slightly "glows" and looks unnatural, rubber mask.

Sean Young in the "Blade Running 2049"

"Running on the blade 2049" is such a "exhibition of achievements of the national economy", only in the field of CGI: the sequel of the cult "running" demonstrates in all its glory, which there may be high-quality and expensive computer effects, including - and effects, "rejuvenating" actor. Their action for himself checked Sean Young, who starred in the original "blade running" in 1982 - and in 2017, in the long-awaited sequel, thanks to CGI it looks not a minute.

The scene in the "Running of the blade 2049" - on the contrast with the aged Harrison Ford Sean Young looks especially winning:

But how it looked like:

Kurt Russell in "Galaxy Guards 2"

At the beginning of the "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", you can see a flashback, the action in which unfolds in 1980, and the main actors - the father and the mother of the future Star Lord. Peter's daddy plays Kurt Russell, which for filming this scene is significantly "rejected" due to a combination of computer effects and an old good grima. By the way, the lion's share of the "rejuvenating" effect fell on the make-up - and, probably, it is thanks to this that it loose-to-eat for several decades, Kurt Russell looks much more natural than his colleagues who have been similar to the procedure in other MARVEL films.

Duane Johnson in "Spy Stone"

An example of the unsuccessful "rejuvenation" is a flashback scene in the Comedy "Spy Stone", where Duin Johnson from Mighty Uncle-Restlera turned into a very thick and very ridiculous ... Well, a teenager is still too generously. It looks not so much ridiculous as it is crazy (especially if you consider the fact that covering a bare ass penta, apparently, for a comedy effect, did not become):

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