"Fifty shades of freedom" and ten most loud scandals around the franchise


Replacing director

The first part of the shielding, the actual "fifty shades of gray", special delight of critics and spectators did not decrease, although in the cinemas they swept out excellent 570 million dollars of fees with modest 40 million budget. According to rumors, initially "fifty shades of gray" should have to look somewhat differently, and the final version is the result of the fact that E. L. James herself constantly intervened in the work of the director, Sam Taylor-Johnson. As a result, Sam refused Sequel, and later gave a frank interview, told about how difficult it was on the site:

"Her vision was opposite to mine. We argued because of each scene. It was very hard - as if trying to climb on the mountain, when you have a sticky resin under your feet. She constantly told: "Fans are waiting for this" ".

E. L. James wanted to have more sex scenes in the film, and Taylor-Johnson tried to keep at least some kind of visibility of a solid plot.

Later, in an interview with Sunday Times Magazine, Sam Taylor-Johnson said that she was not interested in it, "which in the end it turned out with the sequels. "I can't say that I regret the shooting - it would like to sign a death sentence to yourself," but go through it again? " Yes, I would go crazy. "

Reaction of other writers

Probably, everyone already knows that initially "fifty shades of gray" is fanfic on Twilight, fan fiction is so lucky that he provided his creator as a result of tens of millions of dollars. But Stephanie Meyer, the author of "Twilight", is by no means delighted that he inspired E. L. James to this monumental work, and he did not get acquainted with the "fifty shades of gray". "It's not mine at all," the Stephanie declared diplomaticly in an interview with MTV.

Suddenly, in this matter, the hardness showed the author of Harry Potter, Joan Rowling, which with "fifty shades of gray" is not connected at all in any way - but, nevertheless, the writer decided to publicly declare that he did not intend to read it at all.


The premiere of the first part of the E. L. James trilogy passed peacefully and calmly, but for the premiere of "fifty shades the darker" was closer - since the franchise allegedly "shows that violence is normal." On Twitter there is even an account of the movement protesting against the franchise, which is called "fifty shades is violence," but one of the protesters at the premiere "fifty shades is darker" in the past, 2017 in England:

Embracing of violence

"Fifty shades", and, in particular, the third part, which is now entering the screens - "fifty shades of freedom" - accused also in the embellishment of such a phenomenon as domestic violence. The critical article has published the National Center for Protection against US Sexual Operations:

"Women want and deserve healthy intimate relations by mutual agreement, so the author of E. L. James" dresses "sadomasochist, violent sexual relations in the history of real love, trying to show that everything that happened was healthy for both partners and occurred by mutual agreement. . This inconclusive lie becomes especially disgusting in the third part of the trilogy when Christian Gray says the anastheist suspecting him in treason that he "swore to love her, console her and take care of her security." Apparently, in the definition of "security" in the dictionary of Christian Gray, the physical, emotional and psychological safety of the anastheyshis is not included - only the jealousy of Gray, which keeps the anasthe "safe" from other men. "

Care Charlie Hannema

Another loud event already at the stage of preparation for the shooting of the very first part of the film was becoming recoasting: Initially, Christian Gray was supposed to play Charlie Hannem, but literally at the last minute he refused the role, and in the end she went to Jamie Dornan. Charlie's decision motivated the "Novik error" - "I bit off more than I could do."

Who knows, perhaps, with Charlie Hannem "Fifty shades" would really get something similar to chemistry and passion between the main characters. But, most likely, Heroophob Charlie, who confessed that even kissing with partners in films is extremely unpleasant, it would still be sooner or later I would not support and escaped.

Doubts asset

That there is afraid of Microbes Charlie Hannem - even Jamie Dornan, Irishtz with exclusively strong nerves, almost abandoned shooting in the sequels after the first part. Jamie did not like to constantly undress and filmed half a half that he said - "I got it. Just got it. " Fortunately, then Jamie, apparently, changed his mind (and convinced him, by rumors, a very solid increase to the fee).

Dakota Johnson repeatedly honestly said that she had doubts about the role in the "fifty shades of gray." "Oh, of course, I doubted constantly", admitted actress in an interview with The Sunday Telegraph. "Even now there are moments when I think - what x *** I did?"

Others are also awkward

Jamie Dornana's wife appears not so often, so journalists do not stick to her, but Dakota Johnson's family had to be worse: Mama Dakota, the famous actress Melani Griffith, regularly ask how she liked the scandalous role of his daughter.

This question of Melanie Griffith managed to ask even on the Red Walkway "Oscar", and Melanie had to answer him until the daughter standing nearby. Griffith said that "fifty shades of gray" did not look - "And I don't think I can. It seems to me that it would be very strange. " Dakota (in the video below) pleased with the question of the reporter and the answer of the mother does not look like - to be honest, look at all this interview even from the side is awkward:

Even Jamie and Dakota awkwardly in each other's society

"Fifty shades of gray" were repeatedly accused of being very difficult to believe in what was happening on the screen - there is no "chemistry" between the actors, which forces the viewer to believe in the reality of their feelings. And then there are rumors at all that, in fact, Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan each other, to put it mildly, dislike and prefer to communicate as little as possible.

Quintessence of awkwardness - Dakota and Jamie on Oscare 2017. Pay attention to the Mimicu Jamie after the Dakota tries to joke about "your face seems to me" - if on Oscar, you could beat off the Faispalm, Jami would definitely done.

Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan Have Finally Reached Peak Awkward #Oncars Pic.Twitter.com/ngji7xipoc

- Sally Holmes (@SallyHolmes) February 27, 2017

Of course, rumors about the dislike of two key actors were refuted - in which even the director of the sequelov, James Fouley, took part. "They sincerely like each other," said the director. "Rumors that they allegedly have no chemistry seem to me with something wild. Regarding the first film I can't say anything, I will give another right to judge, but now it seems to me that this chemistry is exactly there. "

Why did James Fouli Sneakly "kicked" the first film? Because it is not only a director, but also part-time husband E. L. James, with whom Sam Taylor-Johnson, as we remember, collapsed.

Protecting director's searches

After leaving Sam Taylor-Johnson from the post of director to find someone who continues to shoot the trilogy, it turned out not so simple - serious directors for obvious reasons to shoot "fifty shades refused", directories kneads, having heard about the habit of E. L. James to interfere with the process , refused too. The director's chair was offered to everyone - right up to Angelina Jolie, which generally prefers to shoot a serious author's movie. Jolie from the proposal, of course, refused, and in an interview, it commented on it diplomatically: "I know how to tell some stories, somehow - no."

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