10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU "borrowed" from Marvel


Tale of two stews

Long before Steve Trevor looked at Diana with his piercing blue eyes for the last time, and then jumped into a plane and sacrificed himself, even the same thing (right up to piercing blue eyes) did Steve Rogers in MCU. Personally look at the beloved he, however, could not, forgiven by radio, but it was already details. And the key difference is exactly one thing: Steve Rogers after 70 years in the ice rose from the dead, and Steve Trevor did not have such a chance.

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

Dance deja

The "wonderful woman" borrowed something not only at the "First Avenger", but also from the "Guardians of the Galaxy." Remember the touching moment when Steve Trevor teaches Diana to dance? For several years, a similar scene (of course, not by execution, but on the idea) was shown in the "Guards of the Galaxy" Marvel, only there Peter taught Hamor's human dance.

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

Gang is not that heroes

In 2014, MCU replenished the Guardians of the Galaxy - a group of actually galactic criminals, who against their will become comrades in general case and in the end, as usual, the world saves. In 2016, the same concept was as the basis of the "suicide detachment" - only the "suicides", unlike the "guards", the hearts of critics did not manage to conquer, and at the next superhero district (or superstal ...) Blockbuster DCEU collapsed straight to the squall Negative feedback.

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

Comedy that did not work

The first films of the new film dealer DCEU were kept in the same gloomy spirit as the trilogy about Batman, filmed by Christopher Nolan. When everything went awry, Dceu bosses decided that, apparently, the gloomy atmosphere was to blame for everything, and you need to make films womb and more fun - that is, borrow the next idea of ​​Marvel and connect superhero with comedy elements a la in the same "Guardians" or "Thor: Ragnaret." All resources, the "Justice League" were thrown into the case along and across, to make the atmosphere brighter, positive and with humor. As a result, it turned out badly: while "Tor: Ragnarec" collected hundreds of millions of dollars, "Justice League" - with a follower, this is not to take away - they criticized everything who could only.

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

Joss Odon

Joss Odon took off for Marvel of the super-spanning first "avengers", in which jokes and spectacular battles effectively complemented each other, and "Avengers: Era Altron," also earned almost one and a half billion dollars. Dceu bosses looked at the receipts of competitors, took into account the fact that after Altron, Wyon allowed himself a couple of negative remarks to Marvel - and "borrowed" Joss. It was he who "finished" after the garde of Zack Snidder a long-suffering "Justice League" in accordance with the new course on the "positive". As a result, the general efforts of the "League of Justice" earned only $ 655 million in the world (even less than a wound year earlier "suicide detachment") and, by rumors, was for Warner Bros. unprofitable.

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

Superstodeje comes from Germany and his crazy assistant scientist

Red skull, he is Johann Schmidt - at Marvel. General Ludendorff - DC. Prudial red skull, cracked Genius Arnim Ash - Marvel. Underworld Ludendanoff, a brilliant doctor poison - at DC. What else to add here?

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

Funny newcomers

It is said that on the fores, when Marvel tested the film "Captain America: confrontation", at the time of the appearance of a person-spider, the hall screamed from delight and applauded almost standing. Critics already after the release of the "confrontation" called Peter Parker one of the best innovations and elements of the film as a whole, and his relationship "Mentor / Defender - a student / ward" with Tony Starka seem touching even finished cynicians. Dceu can observe exactly the same - only with Barry Allen / Flash and Bruce Wayne / Batman.

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

Genius, Playboy, billionaire

Since we started talking about Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne, we note another funny similarity (here, of course, I don't have to talk about the "borrowing"): both in MCU, and in the DCEU, the superhero team collects a billionaire, and in both cases it costs without superpackers , playing on an equal footing with the strongest heroes of the earth thanks to all sorts of technical "commemorations."

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

10 ideas that the film dealed DCEU

Post-titric scenes

In fairness it is worth noting that post-titer scenes were in the go long before MCU, but it was Marvel who made them fashionable - and how often they are joking about Marvel fans, only they are accustomed to not leave the cinema to the very end of the titles. In DCEU initially post-titer scenes was not at all, and when the first scene appeared after the titles in the "suicide detachment" ... Well, in general, it would be better if Dceu post-titer scenes avoided and further. To sit until the end of the titles for this scene did not make any sense - she did not give any new information about the future of Dceu, and, moreover, it was still unpatched on stage at the end of the "incredible Hulk" Marvel.

Post-title scene from the "suicide detachment"

Post-tithe scene from "Incredible Hulk"

The idea of ​​the uniting tens of superheroes of the film

Even at the beginning of the two thousands, attempts were made to combine Batman and Superman on the big screen, but each such attempt ended in failure - for example, at one time there were plans to remove the "League of Justice" with the director of "Mad Max" by George Miller (and Armmer Hummer in the role of Batman). Mcu filmmaker gained momentum, and Warner Bros. There was a trilogy of Nolana - but after its completion in 2012, the "green light" finally gave the "green light" (and, judging by the fact that the DCEU was going on now, it would be better not to give further).

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