How the "Ob'Nank" of Hollywood is arranged: 10 recognition of girls from the extras



At first glance, it may seem that the status of Doubles of some Leonardo Dicaprio is quite a good first step in the career staircase, but in fact the work of a dubler is the way to anywhere for those who dream to further build a full-fledged career in the cinema. The fact is that the contracts under the contract is forbidden to talk about who from the stars they worked - so incorporate in their summary "Played the buttocks of Dakota Johnson in" Fifty shades of gray "will not work.

How the


With its stars of film studios, it is forbidden to even approach potentially dangerous decorations (the exclusion of the type of self-performing tricks of the cruise volume is single), so that the most injurious work falls on the shoulders of the dubler and the actors of the extras, the security of which is careful to a lesser extent. To get injury they can be the most unexpected way:

"I was filmed in a merge of comedy about school, and the sprayers of the fire extinguishing system unexpectedly worked on the set of one of the scenes. We warned us that they would splash the paint (it was the design of the scenario in the scenario), but people from the crowd still began to panic and scatter who where. Some of them pushed me out, I fell and got the paint charge straight into the eyes, "recalls a 28-year-old actress of extras.

Typical roles

Alison Gordi managed to play more than 350 projects for their careers - films, television series, commercials. Most of its roles are the same type:

"Because those who are engaged in casting, do not know me, I propose a role exclusively in my photo, and I starred on a motorcycle. So now the main role is the osloty bikers. They offer the roles of prostitutes, punk, barmensh - in general, some kind of "unfavorable" type. But it is interesting than the replicas "Your Coffee, Sir". "

Uncomfortable conditions

Moyra somehow fell out the opportunity to work in a crowd in one of the films Angelina Jolie, but this experience turned out to be at all as interesting as it seemed to her:

"A miniature woman in the headphones drove me into the locker room, gave me a badge" Massovka, No. 514 ", and then I drove out 500 people from the crowd, as cattle, to the church, where they were to remove the scene. In the church I was allocated a place and said silently sitting. It seemed to me that there would be interesting on the set - and instead, the feeling was that I was punished and I serving a message. As a result, the dinner had to sit out several dozen double boring scenes.

How the

Stars scandalous

The 27-year-old actress of the massacre named Kelly in his own sad experience was convinced that sometimes it was not so fascinating with celebrities, as it seems to fans from afar.

"I somehow starred in advertising brand, whose new face was a very famous actress, the owner of the awards. Arriving on the platform, she ignored everyone around and immediately began to swear with producer. She screamed like a crazy, arranged a real hysterical. "

"More worse, she began to throw cosmetics in producer - shadows, powder, everything flew around, broke, sprinkled around the entire platform. She destroyed a whole ton of cosmetics, it was some kind of madness! Now, when I see her in a movie, I remember only the moment. "


Girls dreaming to "light up" on the screen are sometimes forced to act in not the most comfortable scenes, and often it is the scene of kisses. Juliet Diamond, who before becoming a professional actress, managed to work in the crowd, remembers:

"I had to kiss someone on the set of" Messiah. " He was one of the key actors and terribly ugly. And the saddest thing is in the film, this scene did not even enter the film. I still thought - "We were lucky, I drew a kiss for free," and I had to listen to the role. If this is not exploitation, then I do not know what it is. "

Continuity scene

Shots of the scene, which on the screen takes from the strength of ten minutes, sometimes they can continue weeks - and all this time and stars, and the actors of the extras have to ensure that they do not exit the image. According to Amy Rogers, regularly working in the extremely popular television series to create an impression of a continuous scene, which is actually removed by weeks, the costumes are watching the smallest details:

"Every day you need to come in the same clothes. Assistants make photos, and then every day they check that there is nothing superfluous. For some episode of "Motherland," I remember, I wore the same leggings and raincoat for a week. "


How the

For shooting Sikvel "Supermanka", hundreds of girls of extras were required - to remove the scenes whose action unfolded during a striptease show. It would seem, in this case, this is almost the work of dreams - they have been resting, see how Channing Tatum dances striptease, and get money. In fact, of course, everything came out not so simple:

"On the shooting, a fight broke out," recalls 33-year-old Sarah Holland, one of the participants of the extras. "Some girls who got a place at the very end of the hall, tried to break into the way closer, although it was forbidden to do it - and eventually broke out the real brawl, the chairs overturned, pulled out her hair ... I had to cause security that brought several girls from the site."

The role of the corpse

How the

Jessica was one of the dozen participants in the merits during the filming of the next detective series, and then she was offered ... "Raising":

"I was given to sign some documents, asked if I could detain my breath during a double, and then they said that I would play a dead nurse and what you need to change into more frank clothes. I was given the thong of the body color, then the top and mini-skirt for me with a transparent film and caused artificial blood. After that, I could not sit down, so as not to smear the makeup, so I stood three hours in such a way as they solved the problem with lighting. And when the episode of the series turned on the air, I was not even discerning. "


How the

Well, of course, nowhere without the most "hot" for Hollywood themes - sexual harassment. It is quite clear that to pester to anyone not famous girls from the crowd - much less risky than the stars and the Harrasment on the shooting platforms is flourishing. Frankie Show , actress and director, tells: "Sometimes those who are engaged in casting, specifically say that they choose the most pretty girls for extras. Once I heard how our operator said - "I love the girls from the crowd. They are like fish on the fishing rod ".

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