Luxurious water pressure: Kylie Jenner answered the trolling soul on the network


Recently, Kylie Jenner provoked a rapid discussion in social networks, publishing a video shot in the bathroom. Instadiv captured its shower with marble and glass walls. For Kylie's roller included water, and this attracted special attention to users: many have decided that in a luxurious celebrity bathroom installed a cheap shower can, and the water pressure is so weak so weak that under it "it is impossible to wash." Some Fans of Kylie were pleased that the water pressure is better in their house than in the house of a young billionaire.

But who said, did Kylie shoot a shower in his house? The other day, Jenner responded to the discussion of subscribers and clarified that he shot the video in the bathroom of his office.

"I look, my souls went online. If you did not know, I posted a video of the soul from my office. It seems to me that the shower is excellent, I do not have any problems with him. But everyone is very puzzled water pressure. Thanks for your concern, "Kylie wrote on his page. Then she published a video shot this time in her home bathroom.

Jenner demonstrated its shower with the temperature regulator and turned on the water, removing all the questions about the water head in her house. The celebrity also noted that he did not like to wastewater in vain.

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