Secretive and open: Keitlin Jenner spoke about relationships with Kylie and Kendall


In a new interview for Podcast The Skinny Confidential Him & Her, Keitlin Jenner told how she was folded with children. Recall, Keitlin is a native father of Kylie and Kendall Jenner, who made a transgender transition a few years ago. Before the transition, his name was Bruce.

Jenner became famous as a decade, won the gold medal at Pan American Games in 1975 and the 1976 Olympic Games, establishing a world record. He was married three times and raised ten children.

"I have six biological children and four receptions. And 18 more grandchildren, "Keitlin boasted. Responding to a question with whom of her closest relationships, Jenner said: "We have a lot in common with Kendall. She is also very sporty. We have a similar attitude to life. I Laude and with her, and from Kylie. But Kylie seems to me a little closer. Recently, we have dinner together. We try to meet dinner once a week or two. She always prepares a wonderful food, much better than in restaurants. Sometimes my girlfriend Sophia Hutchins joins us, she communicates well with Kylie. That's how we spend our dinners. We are three, around anyone ... a little wine, talk about that about this. In this regard, we are very close. Kendall is not like that - it is more secretive. And Kylie is an open book, "Caitlin shared.

And added: "But all my children are a blessing. They are all wonderful, everyone grown and built their lives. Sometimes, if Sofia left somewhere, I sit alone at home. And then I realize that I have 10 children and 18 grandchildren, why is I sitting alone? Then I look at the phone - no one called. Shouldn't they call me? Then I understand, they have their own life. All parents face it. Nothing new".

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