"In three years, it dresses better adults": Kylie Jenner was lost social network photo of her daughter


The American model and the secular lioness Kylie Jenner in the new publication in Instagram posted photos with their daughter Stormy, which should soon be three years old. In the description of the pictures, Kylie said: "My child will soon be three years old, and with my mother is not all right." Thus, the star made it clear that it was upset about the rapid growing of her baby.

Kylie himself made comfortable pictures when a three-year-old fashionista posed in front of the camera. On the Storm were fashionable brown leather trousers, snow-white shirt, a wide chain on the neck and an elegant bracelet. The image completed the blue handbag on the shoulder. Jenner's daughter posed with knowledge of the case, as they make it adult models, which is not left unnoticed among stars fans.

In the comments of users of the network, explicit admiration and lunizing was expressed. Fans of secular diva recognized that it was very sweet and beautiful, like her famous mother. Someone noticed that the little fashionista "three years old dresses better adults." And someone recognized in the girl an accurate copy of Kylie as a child. Parents are already preparing for the third daughter's birthday, which will take place on February 1. Judging by last year's grandiose events in her honor StormiWorld, which entered the tradition, should be expected to continue with attractions and treats.

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