The author of Harry Potter will release the Children's Book "Christmas Piglets"


The author of Harry Potter wrote a children's adventure book called "Christmas Piggy" (The Christmas Pig), and the publishing company Scholastic confirmed that the new product of the British writer would be published in the fall and appear on store shelves on October 12.

Joan Rowling first created a book for children. This time she came up with a story about a boy named Jack and his disappeared Christmas toy toy. But, as you know, the Christmas Eve is the time of miracles, and the new Christmas Toy Pig Jack comes to life, comes up with a bold plan for finding a boy's missing friend, and they go together in a magical journey.

According to Ellie Berger, the heads of Scholastic Trade Books, a book designed for children over eight years old can become part of Christmas traditions in many families. And the joint reading of parents and children of history on endless love will combine them and at any other time of the year.

The "Christmas Piggy" experts are already called the "sparkling diamond", which will certainly charm readers of the whole world. The book will be transferred to more than 20 languages ​​and will be released in Great Britain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, India, the United States and many other countries.

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