Ryan Reynolds declassified the floor with Blake Lively a second child


"Mobile over the crib of my daughter is reminiscent of contraceptive rings. Let him remind her how much she was lucky to appear on the light, "Ryan joked. In this joke, actor's subscribers saw a hint of the second child Reynolds and Liveli, which they thoroughly hide. After all, it is unlikely that Mobile hangs over the bed of the first child - daughter James, she is too adult for such a toy.

It should be said that Liveli spoke about the second pregnancy in April of this year, when snapshots of the actress from filming "Ovenl" were published in the press, where in the interruptions between the double she covered the stomach with a towel, then she put on a bathrobe. Later, reporters guessed the sources close to the star pair, and very soon Blake stopped to hide the rounded form.

Recall that the meeting of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Liveli occurred on the set of the film "Green Lantern" in 2010. There was friendship between actors then, because both at that time were in other respects. But as soon as the union of the former "Gossip" with her kumir of childhood - Leonardo Dicaprio - collapsed, and the marriage of Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson exhausted himself, the friendship of the former colleagues quickly moved to a new level. After 2 years, they got married. It was in 2012, and after 2 years, the spouses were born firstborn - daughter James.

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