Jensen Ekls and Jared Padaleks told how they celebrated the end of the shooting "Supernatural"


Before the world captured the coronavirus pandemic, it was planned that the "supernatural" will complete his fifteen-year-old history in May of this year. But the production had to be suspended in March, and then the actors and the shooting group were waiting for five months of inaction, while they could not return to relieve the last two episodes, - of course, in compliance with the new security rules.

And at least, as a result, the work on the series managed to fully complete, the traditional farewell in the form of a party from the team did not have, and yet Jared Padaleki (Sam Winchester) and Jensen Ekls (Ding Winchester) gave favorite history the last honors. It turned out that stars have long been his own little tradition, which they were just a little adjacent under the situation.

"Jared and I finished shooting on Thursday, and on Saturday evening, we went to one of our most beloved restaurants, only we are together, and raised glasses with champagne," said Ecls.

As it turned out, before the start of the shooting of each season "Supernatural" Ekls and Padaleks dined together to chat and tune in to work.

"We went somewhere, dinner, made the missed, talked about the series and about our lives," said Jared. But this time the gatherings were decided to move at the end of the season. "It was our farewell dinner. It was great to just sit there, drink and realize what we did it, "the actor added.

And even though the stars of the show have long managed to become best friends and in real life, and therefore their roads will cross themselves more than once, this meeting was special. "It was our final party," emphasized EKLS.

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