Jeffrey Dina Morgan and Jensen Ekls may not be family reunion in the "guys"


Eric Crypt made his name as the creator of the series "Supernatural", which he left after five seasons. New Project Kripka - Satirical Kineomix "Guys", but Showranner is always happy to cooperate with old friends. So, the other day it became known that Jensen Ekls was approved for the role in the third season of "guys", and now there are talk about the fact that the company will be another ex-actor "Supernatural" - Jeffrey Din Morgan. Recall that Morgan at one time played John Winchester, Father Sam and Dina.

Jeffrey Dina Morgan and Jensen Ekls may not be family reunion in the

Earlier, Kripka and Morgan did not once be recognized that they would be happy to work together together, so negotiations on the participation of the actor in the "guys" are conducted for a long time. The other day, Kripka gave an interview with the Collider portal, which warned that these plans were made at risk, as Morgan is still busy on the set of "Walking Deads". In addition, the situation is complicated by the coronavirus pandemic, because even if Morgan decided to remove in parallel in two shows, he would have had permanent flights and the need to observe a two-week quarantine after them. Of course, this option is completely inappropriate.

Jeffrey Dina Morgan and Jensen Ekls may not be family reunion in the

However, the parties have not yet left attempts to find a way out of the current situation. According to preliminary data, shooting the third season "Guys" start in January 2021, so that by that time the alignment can change for the better. In the meantime, all attention was riveted to the premiere of the second season "Guys", which will begin to go to Amazon Prime Video on September 4.

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