In 15 season "Supernatural" will return the favorite of the audience: new frames


While the return of the "supernatural" on the screens is postponed indefinitely, the CW channel will not forget to push the fans of the series, sharing a new content. This time, the ENTERTINMENT WEEKLY edition was at once six frames from the five nearest episodes.

In 15 season

Two series, which will complete the show, remained undisputed due to the coronavirus pandemic, so nothing can be heard about them, but without them at the audience now there is something to discuss. The first thing that fans noticed are the return of the Universal Favorite Charlie (Felicia Day). Of course, this is a version of the heroine from the world of the apocalypse, but it does not get worse from it.

In 15 season

Also, the brothers Winchesters will be seen again with the sister of God Amara (Emily Suulow), and on this meeting it is worth these expectations. If earlier hunters were because of this character, fair problems, now it can play a key role in the disservation of Chuck (Rob Benedict).

In 15 season

But the fourteenth episode of the show seems to be one of the most funny. As Andrew Dubab told, Samu (Jared Padalekia) and Dina (Jensen Ecls) will have to survive a series of holidays that they missed because of hunting.

Cutting out lanterns, festive turkey, birthdays - all this will be,

- promised Showranner.

In 15 season

And although it is still unknown when the fans will be seen again with their favorite heroes, you can not doubt: they are waiting for something truly awesome. You just need to gain patience.

In 15 season

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