Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of "Supernatural"


CW TV channel presented promotecto to the next episode of the "supernatural", which was called the "Galactic Brain". In this series, Sheriff Jody Mills will return to the screen performed by Kim Rhodes. She is waiting for a meeting with Sam, Din, Case and Jack. Interestingly, Mills, along with Sheriff Donna Henskam (Briana Bakmaster), should have become one of the main characters of Spin-Off "Prodigal Sisters", but this project was never launched.

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

Sinopsis "Galactic Brain" says:

Sam (Jared Padalekia) and Dean (Jensen Ecls) respond to a frantic call and together with Castiel (Misha Collins), Jack (Alexander Callert) and Jody go to an exceptional and heartbaking rescue mission. Billy (Lisa Berry) surprises all his visit to the bunker.

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

A distinctive feature of the final season of the "supernatural" (although it is not surprised by this) are death and return. Since the antagonist of the season is omnipotent and omniscient, it is difficult to overestimate how strangely it is possible to turn around for the Winchesters brothers.

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

Earlier Showranner "Supernatural" Andrew Dubab warned the audience that in the final series they should be ready for the most unexpected events, including the fact that Sam and Dina will have to lose close people.

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

Death with oblique: Frames have come out of the new episode of the 15th season of

The episode "Galactic brain" will be released on the CW on March 16.

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