Prince Harry and Megan Oplan announced the floor of the second child


In a new interview with Obrey, Winfri Megan Marcle and Prince Harry reported that they were waiting for a girl.

"This is incredible. We are grateful that we have children at all, and would be happy if we had just one child or two children of any sex. And then the boy first, and then the girl - what else can you dream? " - The prince said with delight.

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Megan noted that for two children, they will stop with his spouse.

The couple also raises the one-year-old Son Archie. In a conversation with Opre, Megan said that in the royal family they discussed how dark the skin of Archi would be, until he was born. "Probably, one should not talk who expressed concerns about this," said Megan.

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On the third pregnancy, the plague became known in February. And last fall, the spouse of the Prince reported that he experienced a miscarriage. Megan noted that it happened in July. According to her, the day began to be completely usually. In the morning she went to the crib of the eldest son to change him a diaper. "Suddenly I felt convulsion. After a second, I fell on the floor with my son in my arms. I began to touch the lullaby to calm him and myself. However, I felt something wrong. I understood that at that moment I hugged my first child, I lost the second, "Megan shared in an essay to edition The New York Times.

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