Prince Harry was afraid that Megan Markle repeats the tragic fate of Princess Diana


The long-awaited interview that Sassek's spouses gave the famous TV presenter of Winfrey, will see the light on March 7 of this year. It is rumored that because of this conversation, Prince Harry even raised himself with his relatives, in particular, with Queen Elizabeth II. The monarch of the person was sharply against at least any uncomfortable facts from the life of the royal family were made public. All interviews are designed for about an hour and a half, but now the network you can find an exciting teaser of this conversation.

One of the main intrinsic interviews was the question of how Harry and Megan decided to leave the country and abandon all the privileges. According to Harry, one of the main reasons why he decided to leave the royal service and folded with himself all the authority, the fear was that his wife can repeat the tragic fate of his mother - the late princess Diana. "I am very happy that I now sit here next to my wife and talk to you. For a long time I was very concerned that this story could repeat, "the 36-year-old grandson of the Queen, hinting at the death of his mother. The tragedy occurred when a small prince was only 12 years old. Diana died in August 1997 as a result of a car accident that occurred through the fault of the paparazzi, who pursued the car of the princess.

Recall, not so long ago it became known that Sussek's spouses will soon expect the appearance of their second toddler. Megan and Harry are already educated by the son of Archie, who will fulfill two years this year. In order for their children to grow in a relaxed atmosphere and were not undergoing discussion and presses, the spouses decided to leave the country and moved to live in America. The Queen-mother was not delighted with the grandson's decision and was forced to take a number of steps that influenced the position of the couple in English society.

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