"I fell out": Nikita Efremov frankly spoke about the attitude of alcohol


Full Nikita Efremov has recently used alcoholic beverages recently. The actor admitted that the drink led to unpleasant consequences.

The 32-year-old artist conducted a parallel between himself and his hero in the TV series "Good Man." He played a drunken character and admitted, it is familiar to him. Some time ago, Nikita almost regularly allowed himself to drink and noticed that he was carried away by alcohol. Then the actor decided to change the attitude to alcohol.

"I had a very difficult relationship with alcohol, for me he was a way to relax and relax, while the consequences did not lead to certain things. Then I realized that the problem is not in alcohol, it was only a way to solve the problem. Now, I hope my relationship with alcohol is finished. This does not mean that I am against him, I just came out of my walk, "said Efremov in an interview with the portal BURO247.RU.

The son of Mikhail Efremova recalled that he now leads a healthy lifestyle and understands that there are no stimulants for creativity and rest. He still copes with stress from the accident, in which his star father got. The actor is greatly worried about his father, and for the family of the deceased. Nikita even visits a psychologist to cope with the situation.

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