"Think, she will say" yes "?": Timati intrigued social networks with a luxury ring in 75 carats.


Timati continues to warm up interest in his personal life. He posted in Instagram short video purchase rings for mysterious lover. Thus, the showman made it clear that he intends to make a proposal of his hand and heart soon. However, who exactly is the elect, is still unknown.

The rapper chamber showed a diamond brilliant ring and a huge stone of 75 carats. Jewelry is estimated at 16 million dollars.

"There is an option that will refuse me?" - asked Timati behind the scenes.

The manager offering him the decoration noted that 90% of women would definitely say "yes", barely see this ring.

Recall, Timati last in the fall of last year with Anastasia Reshetova, and then decided to participate in the Show "Bachelor". However, not so long ago the information that Reiper managed to make up with a former beloved. He even came to Dubai, where Reshela Deutsova with the son of Ratmir.

The fans immediately suggested that the ring he could buy Nastya as a sign of reconciliation. After all, the former beloved had recently assured that she did not intend to resume relations with the rapper after his participation in the "bachelor". Others laughed, which is certainly with such a surprise Timati is preparing to make a proposal of the English Queen.

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