"I have already written in the show" Bachelor "": Agatha Mutzing promised to fight for the heart of Timati


The 31-year-old actress Agat Moting wanted to compete for the attention of Timati. A rap performer will look for a second half on the "Bachelor" show, and the artist decided to experience his luck.

Agatha planned after the cancellation of quarantine measures to return to the role in the series "in the cell", but it was excluded from the list of actors. The actress found a new role and already operates at the site of the new series "Hook". She showed fans a short rapid video.

Motion appeared in the frame in the evening white dress, embroidered rhinestones and artificial pearls. The bodice of the outfit was decorated with feathers. The stylists laid the hair of agada with soft waves and made her evening makeup.

While the platform was preparing for filming, the former wife of Paul's primarily discussed with a partner on the series Irina hard-sized their outfits. Both with a laugh agreed that they look too elegant and can fight any man. Irina and Agatha decided to aim at Timati.

"Will you go to" bachelor "? I have already written too. But they did not take me, "Minkius said with a lap sadness.

The news about Timati's participation in the Show "Bachelor" has already become one of the most discussed. Many stars show business found the act of rapper funny. And the fans suspect that the performer broke up with anastasia residova only for participation in a popular project.

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